#143974 by AccEvolution
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:43 pm
Hey Tracy,

This question is directed at Devin, but I was just listening to Terria and thought how much I'd enjoy a sort of stripped down version of it so I could truly hear everything that's going on underneath, very much like Morwar from the Ass Sordid Demos. Perhaps he could call it Hummbler. :D Sorry, that was cheesy.

Has Devin ever given this any thought? Is it possible? Is it something us fans may hear in the future? Or did he spend so much time making the atmosphere subtle that releasing something that exposed it would be diminishing it's value to him?

On another note, and I know this is a bit late, but congratulations on the birth of your child. I hope he's well. Also, thanks for the wonderful little additions to my orders. It cheers me up knowing there are artists out there who really do care for their fans.

Expect to have more of my money in the near future. :lol:


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