#137335 by Planet Rain
Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:41 am
Hi Tracy!

I think it's really cool of Devin to be devoting some of his time and energy on something completely different to music like the puppet show thing.

Of course i think he would have to write music for it aswell tho.

Was just wondering if has done any sculpture work before (or any other visual artwork) and what some of his influences in this area would be?

I noticed his Dark Crystal picture.
Has he heard of Jiri Trnka or Jan Svankmajer?
I have only seen pictures of most of this stuff but I know there are lots and lots of cool underground experimental animated films around.

Do you two have any favourites?

Fantastic Planet? this one is really awesome with "groovy" music

Anyway it would be really cool if you could post some photos of what the Dev is working on or any older artworks he or even you have created.
Id be interested!


Congratulations on the new family also!


#138596 by Tracy
Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:57 pm
He's a complete novice at sculpting and didn't enjoy it. Means to an end. He wants the puppet so it's a necessary evil. He's not really into animation so much, just always liked puppets. Jim Henson was a huge influence on him.

For other art, he used to do a 'comic strip' for the Japanese guitar mag 'Player'. There are examples of this on the Press CD we put out. I loved it but he found the colouring process tedious and infuriating.

#138643 by Planet Rain
Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:23 pm
heh, detailed art really is all about going through a tedious and infuriating process.

A lot of professional artists are just ideas and usually have a team of people to do the actual work.

Thats the first time i have heard of the comic strip, would be interested to see what his drawing style looks like.

Thanks A lot for answering !

#139393 by HevyMinik
Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:09 pm
Tracy wrote:For other art, he used to do a 'comic strip' for the Japanese guitar mag 'Player'. There are examples of this on the Press CD we put out. I loved it but he found the colouring process tedious and infuriating.

Didn't he also do the "comic book" for the Japanese box set for No Sleep 'Till Bedtime? They were cool!

#146145 by Synthetic_Urination
Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:41 am
I could just picture Devin getting upset with coloring and freaking out around the house, wonder how that sounded haha

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