
#147285 by Biert
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:39 am
djskrimp wrote:
Biert wrote:Nah the official spelling of "thing" and everything that has that word in it, should be changed to "thnig" just because it's a lot easier to type that way :P

You need a Dvorak keyboard. :-P

I have a Dvorak keyboard!

Well it's a qwerty keyboard but I'm using the Dvorak layout. Like any sensible human being should :P

But I thiiiiiiiiiiink we're getting a bit off-topic here :roll:

#147291 by djskrimp
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:45 am
Biert wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
Biert wrote:Nah the official spelling of "thing" and everything that has that word in it, should be changed to "thnig" just because it's a lot easier to type that way :P

You need a Dvorak keyboard. :-P

I have a Dvorak keyboard!

Well it's a qwerty keyboard but I'm using the Dvorak layout. Like any sensible human being should :P

But I thiiiiiiiiiiink we're getting a bit off-topic here :roll:

Bugger, you're right!

GO BUY ZILTOID BY WHATEVER METHOD SUITS YOU BEST! Ahem. Notice I said "buy", droogies.

#147349 by HevyMinik
Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:50 am
Biert wrote:Something like this: :P

Yeh, but more comprehensive; it seems to me that a lot of the questions asked in the forums are not being answered at the FAQ.
Just my opinion, tho... 8)

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