#145691 by NoisyPinkBubble
Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:21 pm
I was curious as to what Tracy and Devin's thoughts and/or reactions were to Ziltoid being leaked all over the web just recently, and if it's as big of a disappointment like it sounds.

#145692 by IronMaiden736
Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:36 pm
They have said many times that they hate when albums leak before they come out and that it hurts them.

It's not really the people here though. Most of the people here who download the album before it comes out often buy the cd when its out and countless merch....its more about your average internet user who just downloads everything and never pays for anything.

I tend to hope the majority of the people on the board aren't like that.

#145694 by Goat
Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:44 pm
One more corpse ready to dry in the sun. :roll:

#145719 by Eyesore
Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:34 pm
IronMaiden736 wrote:I tend to hope the majority of the people on the board aren't like that.

If I were betting money, I'd say more people downloaded than actually bought. Even those here. Sadly it's simply the nature of music fans these days. I'm not going to say my opinion is fact, but if I had to bet money I wouldn't bet that most people buy the music.

I have too many friends that are huge music fans, just like I am, but while I have like 6,000 CDs, they have 100,000 MP3s—and they didn't pay for them.

#145721 by IronMaiden736
Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:06 pm
Eyesore wrote:
IronMaiden736 wrote:I tend to hope the majority of the people on the board aren't like that.

If I were betting money, I'd say more people downloaded than actually bought. Even those here. Sadly it's simply the nature of music fans these days. I'm not going to say my opinion is fact, but if I had to bet money I wouldn't bet that most people buy the music.

I have too many friends that are huge music fans, just like I am, but while I have like 6,000 CDs, they have 100,000 MP3s—and they didn't pay for them.

Yeah, I get what you are saying. I just think Devin's fan base is extremely dedicated. I don't see how people are able to download his cds and not give money when they are that big of a fan. Especially when he publicly says not to do it. But sadly I think you are right :(

#145732 by Das Schuetzenfest
Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:52 am
IronMaiden736 wrote:It's not really the people here though.

I'm not so sure about that. Isn't it even more frustrating when your hardcore fans (the ones that populate your official message board) don't respect the artist's wish to NOT download the albums beforehand and to wait for the whole package, the whole experience instead?

#145737 by Kristopher
Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:20 am
ahhh, i remember recieveing the special edition off terria! now that was a complete package experience! Glad I never heard of a spoiler/leak for that one.

#145744 by toad
Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:07 am
Hmm... with all respect to Dev, Tracy and all music makers out there (I'm one myself with my humble efforts), I don't think the issue is as black/white as some people here seem to feel. I like to think that the primary motive for making music should be love for the music itself, and the want for people to hear the fruits of one's creation. I understand the concrete issues of having to make a living and stuff (what's enough for a living?), but I don't necessarily see downloading and the internet as a direct threat to that. For example, NIN's two latest albums have been streamed and partly leaked on purpose much before their physical release - what's the catch? Doesn't Mr. Reznor need his records to be bought anymore? I don't think it's like that - rather I see the plot as trying to turn the present situation and technology to his advantage. We used to copy cassettes from friends, then cd's, now we copy them from the net. Where to draw the line? It's up to everyone to decide their moral stand. The technology has been developed, it's there, like it or not. I personally have a principle of eventually buying all music I like and listen a lot. Sometimes it may take time, some things I unfortunately never get around buying. There is so much good music in the world that it's impossible to buy everything. It just strikes me as absurd that in this random and short existence I should shut my ears from everything I can't buy. For every music lover to own 100,000 records is not necessarily desirable. Also, listening to all kinds of things, "illegal", or not, inspires me in turn to make music for some one else to like and love. I have sometimes gone to see bands whose music I own only in copied format - meaning more ticket sales and growth of fanbase for the band. I don't use p2p programs or torrents myself, but trade music, sometimes also freshly released, with friends. I'm not trying to justify downloading, but I don't like to demonize it either. I think you can either go to a futile war about the phenomenon, or accept it and try to find the best way to utilize it. It's hard for me to see downloading destroying anyone's possibilities or willingness for living a life making music. Think positive.

As for banging a drum about (pre-release) leaks and downloading on forums, especially this one - not appropriate in my opinion. Maybe this post is neither, considering the discussion in the recently deleted thread. I apologize in that case.

#145746 by sj_2150
Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:14 am
Well toad the problem is when we have the privelege to download music so easily is that people abuse it. i have a handful of friends that have never bought a Cd in their life. Whether it still raises an artists exposure or not its stealing music. ill be the first in saying im a hypocrite for downloading Ziltoid (im going to buy it of course ;) ) but the heart of the matter is that the albums not even supposed to be heard yet, period.

#145749 by Atari
Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:27 am
If this thread turns into another bitchfest, it's going.

#145755 by Das Schuetzenfest
Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:36 am
Atari wrote:If this thread turns into another bitchfest, it's going.

That may be the right thing to do, this thread is totally redundant indeed.

#145774 by BlueRaja
Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:32 am
Agreed. I think this topic has been covered a few times. :wink:

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