#147039 by gurp13
Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:05 pm
Is there any difference, as far as you and Dev are concerned, as to how someone purchases Ziltoid? Does it matter, for example, if we buy it from versus directly from Hevy Devy?

Do you guys get a higher profit if it's ordered from Hevy Devy? Will Soundscan information be reported from Hevy Devy? Could there be a promotional benefit from people ordering from Amazon or other places? What about local retailers? Could the promotional value of purchasing elsewhere outweigh the (possible) monetary value you'd receive by us purchasing it direct from Hevy Devy?

I'd like to know because I'd want to do whatever helped you guys out the most. The songs I've heard sound brilliant and I can't wait to own this album!!! Ordering from Amazon costs me less in shipping and I get it faster. But, I'd be willing to hang a little if it meant helping my favorite artist out.

#147071 by gurp13
Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:20 pm
Biert wrote:Question was answered here: ;)

Thanks, Biert. I am ashamed. Not only did I not bother to search the forums like a noob, but I actually participated in that thread!!! And then asked the same question.


#147090 by Eyesore
Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:46 pm
gurp13 wrote:
Biert wrote:Question was answered here: ;)

Thanks, Biert. I am ashamed. Not only did I not bother to search the forums like a noob, but I actually participated in that thread!!! And then asked the same question.


Don't worry. Searching is overrated. Most of the time it is extremely time-consuming to find the answer you're looking for. I don't think anyone should ever complain about a question being asked (unless the answer is just ridiculously blatant).

#147094 by gurp13
Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:54 pm
Yeah, but I replied in the thread that had the answer!!! I is a mow-rawn!!! :D

#147167 by Biert
Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:53 am
I think we need another "Cretin" stamp here :P

Not a big deal really, Gurp. A lot of questions that are asked have been asked before, and if you know where to find the answer it's not that hard to find it and link to it. If you don't know where to find it, on the other hand, it's very time consuming to find the answers, if you're able to find them at all. Luckily we have a form of interactive seach in the form of a bunch of helpful members ;)

#147172 by gurp13
Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:58 am
You guys are the nicest board anywhere! :D I'd be honored to be a Cretin!

Anyway, I was mostly exaggerating but I still think as a member of several years now and having over 700 post, I might be able to actually, I don't know, use the search button and find a thread.

Hey, if you guys won't flame me then I have to flame myself!

#147198 by HevyMinik
Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:01 pm
What about making a HDR FAQ and put it on the website and the boards somehow?
That way all the basic questions and questions answered before, can be looked up there...

It is a good idea somehow?

#147237 by JayjayAbnormal
Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:10 pm

The topic or post you requested does not exist

On the link Biert provided :P

#147247 by gurp13
Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:09 pm
Yeah, like that, but it didn't answer my question about the preferred way of purchasing Dev's music.

#147267 by Biert
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:19 am
JayjayAbnormal wrote:

The topic or post you requested does not exist

On the link Biert provided :P

You're obviously making a mistake here. Everythnig is working like a dream.

#147270 by djskrimp
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:22 am
Biert wrote:
JayjayAbnormal wrote:

The topic or post you requested does not exist

On the link Biert provided :P

You're obviously making a mistake here.


is working like a dream.

Except your spelling. Muhahahaha!!!

Oh, I'm just kidding.

#147273 by Biert
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:26 am
Nah the official spelling of "thing" and everything that has that word in it, should be changed to "thnig" just because it's a lot easier to type that way :P

#147274 by djskrimp
Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:29 am
Biert wrote:Nah the official spelling of "thing" and everything that has that word in it, should be changed to "thnig" just because it's a lot easier to type that way :P

You need a Dvorak keyboard. :-P

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