You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!

#113424 by Hughie
Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:24 pm
EternalMetal wrote:Straight edge is a waste of time. Its mostly just a bunch of young kids who believe the dangerous hype about drugs and are too scared to try them. There reallty isnt any reason to be afraid of smoking a little weed or drinking a few beers.

Well, first off I'm an adult, not a young kid. Anyway.. I'm straight edge in the sense that I don't do drugs, not the other way around. I don't rock the X's or look down on others because of drugs. I simply don't do any personally because my parents were drug users that were abusive when not sober. The only fear I have is that drugs would cause me to inherit the same abusive mean streak, were I to do any drugs. Most of my friends are recreational drug users, and I actually have a lot of interest in drugs, hallucinogenics mostly. I've got a few books by Ralph Metzner and a lot of Dr. Leary's lectures if you want to talk about them more in depth. :)

#113449 by danceswithchickens
Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:44 am
For the record, I'm almost positive that most people are better off NOT smoking weed, for your health if for no other reason. It also has a way of de-motivating you, which is why it interferes with school so well. It is best to use in the evening when all of one's responsibilities have been dealt with...

Like alcohol, moderation is key. That said, I smoke too much weed for my own good, probably...

And I too have a great interest in hallucinogens. Took acid for the first time at 13 years of age. One of my most remarkable life experiences to date...

#113463 by Mudtrailer
Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:26 am
danceswithchickens wrote:For the record, I'm almost positive that most people are better off NOT smoking weed, for your health if for no other reason. It also has a way of de-motivating you, which is why it interferes with school so well. It is best to use in the evening when all of one's responsibilities have been dealt with...

Like alcohol, moderation is key. That said, I smoke too much weed for my own good, probably...

And I too have a great interest in hallucinogens. Took acid for the first time at 13 years of age. One of my most remarkable life experiences to date...

Really good points here. I simply dont have time in my life for it any more because of what I do and how I need to stay focused and on top of things. ANd I certainly would never hire a "stoner" . Is that an unfair bias? perhaps, but its like hiring a drnk. I have no room for this in my bsuiness. I have nothing wrong with it, but its simply not for me or my lifestyle any more :)

#113475 by danceswithchickens
Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:19 am
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:For the record, I'm almost positive that most people are better off NOT smoking weed, for your health if for no other reason. It also has a way of de-motivating you, which is why it interferes with school so well. It is best to use in the evening when all of one's responsibilities have been dealt with...

Like alcohol, moderation is key. That said, I smoke too much weed for my own good, probably...

And I too have a great interest in hallucinogens. Took acid for the first time at 13 years of age. One of my most remarkable life experiences to date...

Really good points here. I simply dont have time in my life for it any more because of what I do and how I need to stay focused and on top of things. ANd I certainly would never hire a "stoner" . Is that an unfair bias? perhaps, but its like hiring a drnk. I have no room for this in my bsuiness. I have nothing wrong with it, but its simply not for me or my lifestyle any more :)

Correction; you would never knowlingly hire a stoner. For all you know, you may have hired three already :wink:.

#113485 by A Gruesome Discovery
Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:34 am
I did; the day I bought it. I rarely ever smoke, but I figured this was a special occasion (empty house + new album by favorite band + fleeting youth = hey, why not). Anyway, one of the tracks started really annoying me; I kept focusing on this one synth line that was repeated over and over. It became unbearable, so I shut it off because I didn't want the whole album ruined for me forever. Listening to it sober was much better. I guess I can only listen to stuff that I'm deeply familiar with when smoking; all that 100% new material was too much for my fragile little brain to process in such a state, I suppose.
I then ate an ice cream cake.

#113497 by Mudtrailer
Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:48 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:For the record, I'm almost positive that most people are better off NOT smoking weed, for your health if for no other reason. It also has a way of de-motivating you, which is why it interferes with school so well. It is best to use in the evening when all of one's responsibilities have been dealt with...

Like alcohol, moderation is key. That said, I smoke too much weed for my own good, probably...

And I too have a great interest in hallucinogens. Took acid for the first time at 13 years of age. One of my most remarkable life experiences to date...

Really good points here. I simply dont have time in my life for it any more because of what I do and how I need to stay focused and on top of things. ANd I certainly would never hire a "stoner" . Is that an unfair bias? perhaps, but its like hiring a drnk. I have no room for this in my bsuiness. I have nothing wrong with it, but its simply not for me or my lifestyle any more :)

Correction; you would never knowlingly hire a stoner. For all you know, you may have hired three already :wink:.

HAHAHAH point taken, though I can fairly well tell after spending all my college years as well as a few afterwards being stoned fairly often. granted this isnt 100% positive; I at least have an idea.....

#113510 by danceswithchickens
Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:32 pm
A Gruesome Discovery wrote:I did; the day I bought it. I rarely ever smoke, but I figured this was a special occasion (empty house + new album by favorite band + fleeting youth = hey, why not). Anyway, one of the tracks started really annoying me; I kept focusing on this one synth line that was repeated over and over. It became unbearable, so I shut it off because I didn't want the whole album ruined for me forever. Listening to it sober was much better. I guess I can only listen to stuff that I'm deeply familiar with when smoking; all that 100% new material was too much for my fragile little brain to process in such a state, I suppose.
I then ate an ice cream cake.

Ha ha, great story. I know what you mean about annoying synth loops. Funny how you don't always notice these things at first. These little details are supposed to blend in with the overall sound, but sometimes pot can separate them somewhat. It varies from person to person, for sure...

#113538 by asparagusDuck
Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:45 pm
I've listened to this album a couple times stoned, but only after I had become really familiar with it.
I'm not a big marijuana smoker, but the effect it has on listening to music is one of the main reasons i do it.
This entire album is pretty cool to listen to while high. I remember Babysong, A Simple Lullaby, and Notes from Africa being really amazing. However, nothing compared to Judgement. Listening to Judgement while high and taking a long walk at night was one of the coolest experiences of my life. Especially the part where he yells "BOW!!!"
However, Processional is THE song to listen to high though IMO, atleast the first 2 parts. If you do smoke marijuana, you have to try it. :-)

also i just wanted to comment on the "id never hire a stoner" thing. If that's your stance, thats cool, i respect that. but i hope you dont think all people who smoke pot are unreliable, irresponsible and empty headed. IMO it all depends on your ability to control it. I smoke maybe once a week or so yet I'm still a 3.8 student. I would never smoke when I have something important coming up, only at night when I have no responsibilities or anything like that. I certainly would never show up to work messed up. I think a lot of people would say the same.

#113561 by Mudtrailer
Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:58 am
asparagusDuck wrote:
also i just wanted to comment on the "id never hire a stoner" thing. If that's your stance, thats cool, i respect that. but i hope you dont think all people who smoke pot are unreliable, irresponsible and empty headed. IMO it all depends on your ability to control it. I smoke maybe once a week or so yet I'm still a 3.8 student. I would never smoke when I have something important coming up, only at night when I have no responsibilities or anything like that. I certainly would never show up to work messed up. I think a lot of people would say the same.

Hey: I understand what you are saying. No question. What people do in their spare times is up to them> from what Ive seen with "stoners" is that they do tend to smoke before work, etc and can get away with it. There is the question of control, no doubt; but there are also many functional alcaholics out there too, and Im sorry, but I really wouldnt want one of these people working for me as well. I knew one guy , when I was bartneding, would come in at 930 AM for his first beer. He was a court reporter, and a pretty good one, but still.. man, its just something I would rather not have to deal with.

I am opposed to drug testing. Big time. However, after working in a place with multiple machines, forklifts, I do see their point. I understand it, though I dont agree with it: reason being, what the hell is the problem if somebody wants to smoke a little grass on afriday night after work? And the test doesnt separate the occasional user from the stoner. Its certainly not fair , considering how alcohol works and I have known people at that job getting messed up and smelling like a bloody distillery , driving the folklifts around...

Life isnt fair. thats just the way it is.

But I will tell you ther is a big differnce from an occasional user vs a "stoner" : again, I dont care what people do in their free time. Nor do I care what they do during their jobs. Its how they are doing the Jobs for My company that matters. I guess its simply been too hard and long a road getting it off the ground to accept lest than the best foot forward from an employee. Hope this makes sense.

#113565 by asparagusDuck
Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:53 am
Mudtrailer wrote:
asparagusDuck wrote:
also i just wanted to comment on the "id never hire a stoner" thing. If that's your stance, thats cool, i respect that. but i hope you dont think all people who smoke pot are unreliable, irresponsible and empty headed. IMO it all depends on your ability to control it. I smoke maybe once a week or so yet I'm still a 3.8 student. I would never smoke when I have something important coming up, only at night when I have no responsibilities or anything like that. I certainly would never show up to work messed up. I think a lot of people would say the same.

Hey: I understand what you are saying. No question. What people do in their spare times is up to them> from what Ive seen with "stoners" is that they do tend to smoke before work, etc and can get away with it. There is the question of control, no doubt; but there are also many functional alcaholics out there too, and Im sorry, but I really wouldnt want one of these people working for me as well. I knew one guy , when I was bartneding, would come in at 930 AM for his first beer. He was a court reporter, and a pretty good one, but still.. man, its just something I would rather not have to deal with.

I am opposed to drug testing. Big time. However, after working in a place with multiple machines, forklifts, I do see their point. I understand it, though I dont agree with it: reason being, what the hell is the problem if somebody wants to smoke a little grass on afriday night after work? And the test doesnt separate the occasional user from the stoner. Its certainly not fair , considering how alcohol works and I have known people at that job getting messed up and smelling like a bloody distillery , driving the folklifts around...

Life isnt fair. thats just the way it is.

But I will tell you ther is a big differnce from an occasional user vs a "stoner" : again, I dont care what people do in their free time. Nor do I care what they do during their jobs. Its how they are doing the Jobs for My company that matters. I guess its simply been too hard and long a road getting it off the ground to accept lest than the best foot forward from an employee. Hope this makes sense.

you bring up some good points and kinda cleared up some things for me about what you meant. i'd say i hafta to agree with pretty much everything you said. i failed to realize you were making a differentiation between 'stoners' and casual smokers too, my bad.

#113568 by Mudtrailer
Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:20 am
Asp: I simply wasnt clear. and Im not opposed to "stoners" , dont get me wrong. I used to be one :)
But in all honesty, it has no place in my life now or my business. And this is just the way it is and has to be I feel. I certainly dont frown upon it.
I certainly wont judge people and their lives on any drug use.
But as far as my own life and work, I certainly have to.


#113586 by danceswithchickens
Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:39 am
On that note, I think it's time for a bowl...

#113593 by Deathcom7000
Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:47 pm
EternalMetal wrote:
Hughie wrote:I'm a straight edge metal head too.. although, at the chance of enjoying my favorite artist even more, one has to wonder if it would be worth it break edge... hmm:)

Straight edge is a waste of time. Its mostly just a bunch of young kids who believe the dangerous hype about drugs and are too scared to try them. There reallty isnt any reason to be afraid of smoking a little weed or drinking a few beers.

I'm under the impresion of that right now. I'm still young, and haven't tried weed, but I'm smart enough to realize how one sided those people are about drugs.

drukore wrote:I refuse to listen to this on a drug. It makes me stoked every fucking time I listen to it. An honest record deserves a clear minded listen.

Plus I don't use drugs anyways. Dev sober is way more satisfying.

You do know that Dev stopped drugs "after" synchestra right?

#113611 by Mudtrailer
Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:10 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:On that note, I think it's time for a bowl...

HAHAHAH have fun. last weed I had was in 2004 , up in the NWT, Canada, some stuff from BC called "Northern Lights" it simply turned my brain to puppy shit. Heh .
really strong stuff.

#113616 by stormqueen
Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:50 pm
I would just like to say I am out of my mind anyway.....the new CD hurt my heart..the highest of honors....
"a flowers life is beautiful, short, and full of pain"
-if you know where this qoute is from...then I guess you know what a huge dork I am.

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