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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:27 pm
by Mordecai
In Gaia, Devin says "She's a woman, feel good Mordecai".

This suprised me because Mordecai is normally a term I would associate with the band that originally wrote a song called 'Mordecai'... and that band is of course Between the Buried and Me.

Check it out here: ... LUSGWGXCT2

If you haven't done so already, I highly recommend it... it's a great song.

These are the lyrics:

Asleep mid-sentence- the words fell apart.
No one is listening anyway.
This day will soon turn black
and my "wants and needs" will spill on burning ashes.
I learned to be selfish today...
I learned to be alive.
These things I care for are for my personal gain
my personal happiness only.
Why should I sit in your chairs and satisfy your standards?
I've done it all before and I've confused myself a thousand times.
The tragic day that I call morality just doesn't do it for me anymore.
The day will turn black and I will have either lived or died.
Asleep mid-sentence - my words fall to the ground.
Swept into this dreamland.
Economic satisfaction.
Never succeed.
But happiness has its place.
Justice will not lie in your corner.
Throw myself in the corner
We have nothing to complain about here.
Tragic day seems too peaceful to most,
spoiled ambitions turned my heart to black, black.

Living dreams, loving dreams,
awakening to what I've always dreamt of.
Living dreams, loving dreams,
awakening to what I've always dreamt of.
The familliar sound, the familliar sound of the lovely love
from the love of my life will keep the notes coming.
From the reciting of the show, from the plip and shevanel,
from the grind that annoys, and the sarcasm they all hate

And here's how the singer from BTBAM explained his lyrics:

This song is about how selfish and confused everyone are… it seems like one day you can be the happiest person in the world and the next day you hate everything for some odd reason. We take everything we have for granted (trust me, I’m in the same boat)… and no matter how much shit sucks for each one of us…there are always worse off people and we need to always keep that in mind… this song goes out to everyone that I’m friends with and spent quality time with… you make life amazing. The title “Mordecai” is from the birds name in “The Royal Tenenbaums”… I chose this name because in the movie, Luke Wilson kept Mordecai around because he loved it… and he finally realized that the bird needed to be on its own in the wild (the idea of freeing yourself).
I get emails all the time about the word “shevanel and plip”… it’s actually a very bizarre story: there is a homeless man in Raleigh, Nc named “shevanel” and he has a pet dog named “plip”… yeah I know that’s probably the weirdest thing you have ever heard, but it is true. “Shevanel” seemed to always be happy every time I saw him, and it amazed me that someone with so little could be so stoked on life. Life is confusing and horrible at times but doing the things we love can make it the best thing on this planet.

And yeah, I was just wondering what Devin meant by it... I assume it's supposed to stand for the same ideals as Tommy expressed, otherwise it's either about some random biblical figure, a canadian author or... yours truly. Hahaha, and boy would I be suprised if that's the case.

"Feel good, Mordecai"

"I do feel good, Devin!"



PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:31 pm
by armheadmcgee
Well, it wouldn't be the only author he mentions on the album...

And BTBAM kick ass. I've been lurking on the forums there for a long're Silent Drive, right?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:32 pm
by armheadmcgee
edit: whoops, posted that twice.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:38 pm
by Mordecai
Yes, I am Silent_Drive on the smn forums.

Bow before my 2k+ post count, hahahaha...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:03 pm
by Hughie
Mordecai is actually a pretty common name, and Mordechai was really a prominent character in the Book of Esther and not just a random name. I dunno though:)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:05 pm
by Zombielord1985
but what does it mean in the song? what does it have to do with Gaia?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:39 am
by Biert
Mordecai wrote:Bow before my 2k+ post count, hahahaha...

On HevyDevy Forums we don't believe in tha. My 1500+ posts were all meaningfull and intelligent :roll:

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:11 am
by Tim

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:14 pm
by Tracy
There is really no deep meaning or connection to anything behind it. Devin just liked the way it sounded.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:53 pm
by hairy
Tracy wrote:There is really no deep meaning or connection to anything behind it. Devin just liked the way it sounded.

These kinds of deep thoughts are always funny.
Someone write a song that sounds great, but people always have the feeling that the meaning is very deep or have an esoteric meaning.

I remember a few years ago when I interpreted the song Christeen in a spiritual level because it was interesting to understand the title as Christ Teen.
I realized only later that it was just... funny to understand it this way. lol
(I know that was weird!)

The message is there is no message.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:02 pm
by EternalMetal
Tracy wrote:There is really no deep meaning or connection to anything behind it. Devin just liked the way it sounded.

But really, I can tie a deeper meaning to that exact phrase.

In reconstructionist Judaism, a guy named Mordechai changed the way certain people practice Judaism. He reinterpreted the sacred scripture and made it so that women had a more fair gender role in comparison to men. In the past, Judaism was pretty sexist, and this man changed that to an extent. So Devin saying "She's a woman, feel good Mordecai" would imply that the women can finally feel good because they will now be treated more fairly. Then by overanylyzation you could add any meaning to this. Even though he may have not intended this connection, it is very coincidental.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:13 am
by darknetghost
Jewish people have the best names. I wish I could name my kids Mordecai and Shlomo.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:57 am
by Mudtrailer
Tracy wrote:There is really no deep meaning or connection to anything behind it. Devin just liked the way it sounded.

hahahah thats great. and whats awesome about Dev's lyrics on a wehole. Terria especially, he said " it just sounded good" ...... I think thats great.

Speaking of sounding good, same song Gaia:
in the later part of the song, the back ground voice repeats...?
what is he saying?

"Be the one that everybody... strives? ..... er? anybody?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:26 am
by funny_little_guy
So do you think that Dev was posting on the forums while writing that one then?

'Feel good... ummm.... gees Feel good....

Registered Users: Mordecai

Yeah that'll do....'

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:47 pm
by Coma Divine
I tell ya...if he goes looking in here for lyrical inspiration, then Lord help us!! :lol: