The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#295174 by djskrimp
Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:30 am
You created the ocean machine, man, you shoulda known there'd be crests and lulls in the waves. :D

Here's to hoping you catch more happy these days!
#295188 by tk6yG2
Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:23 am
The Dev wrote:2) Casualties of Cool: a duo with myself and Che (ki)... it sounds like haunted Johnny cash songs. late night music, completely isolated sounding and different than anything I've done. Che sings most of the leads, and it's probably the truest reflection of who I am in life at this point. Trying to release it in tandem with Epicloud.

I am very interested in this..

Also a bit bummed about the Ghost 2 news, though I get it's not your fault :)
#295219 by nexusfreak
Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:57 pm
I find myself more insular than ever... performing is getting easy, and big shows are becoming the easiest

I found this most interesting.

Sounds like you're finding more and more that the stage character of "Devin Townsend" is pulling you through performances.

I'm hoping for your own mental health you're taking time out to be you, to enjoy making music, just to make music (which it does sound like you're doing with "Casualties of Cool").

Be cool and be true to yourself. The rest can go climb a wall of dicks.
#295222 by The Dev
Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:56 pm
Thanks all...

Yeah casualties is right up my alley, but I've also realized after 20 years of rushing and being rushed that my 'true nature' is to take it very slowly and deliberately and it can't be quiet enough

Epicloud is very shiny and intense, I do like it very much... It'll be just what the set needs and again, a perfect bridge to Z2

Obviouser someone asked about... I'm still planning the rig for that one... Again, the slower I can take things, the better, however if there's multiple things on the go, it seems as if it's rapid. I just write a lot.

Epicloud was effortless, it's been waiting for an outlet for years. Of the 8 casualties songs, I like in time...
#295223 by gurp13
Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:03 pm
Speaking for myself, I don't understand why you fret over asking fans to give you money for your work. Personally, I believe it is the basis of my relationship with you. I give you money and in return you entertain me, englihten me, enervate me, console me, inspire me, and so on. I have seen you twice in concert and paid for a VIP at the L.A. show. I bought a shirt in San Diego. I paid for a download of Deconstruction and Ghost. And, I bought the collector's edition. I also bought the Unplugged CD, Devlab, The Hummer, etc. I am fucking happy about all of this. It is money well-spent.

Your music is a fountain of shimmering wonderfull water in a desert of banal music. In my opinion. I like paying you because you seriously give a shit about your music and it's real. And it sounds fucking awesome. Only one time have I bought one of your releases and didn't enjoy it. That was Devlab and I should never have listened to it when I had a fever. The hot glue gun voice fucked me up and still scares me today. But, seriously, you keep it real and I appreciate and admire that for the rarity it is.

Do yourself a favor: print out some of these replies and put them on the wall in your home studio. When you feel guilty for taking our money, go read them again.


I don't want shit for free. If you release Ghost 2 for free I will go to eBay and buy some pins or some shit that I don't want. So, shut up and take my money.

With love,
#295228 by NamasteLikeBender
Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:10 am
I may download some of your stuff, Dev, but I go out of my way to make sure I buy your stuff whenever I can. I dropped $100 on merch at your show in Eau Claire (and another 40 at the October show in St. Paul), and I wear it (and the Ziltoid puppet) all the time. And then, when I got to Finland last month, something remarkable happened: ALL of your CDs, as well as the DTP box set, were in pretty much every record store. And when your next albums come out, and I happen to be in a country that has good record stores (re: Not the United States), you better believe I'll buy those as well.

Basically, in the best way possible, Image
#295240 by gitrplaya4u
Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:49 am
The Dev wrote:Obviouser someone asked about... I'm still planning the rig for that one...

Thanks breh :D
#295242 by ZKX-VI
Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:51 am
What's the drum situation for Z2?
#295243 by gitrplaya4u
Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:03 am
If you release Ghost 2 for free I will go to eBay and buy some pins or some shit that I don't want. So, shut up and take my money.

whats better, to never hear it cause insideout or CM or whoever doesnt want to pay for it, or to get it for free?
#295246 by Drowd
Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:51 am
LeperMessiah1170 wrote:
ZKX-VI wrote:What's the drum situation for Z2?

Hopefully we see the return of DIRK!

Do you mean DJ Dirky-Dirk ?!

Stoked as fuck for any of these 3 things coming.
Che blew my mind on Ki and I'm glad to hear that we'll be able to hear more of her voice with the Dev.
#295249 by catharsis
Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:59 pm
eh, Che was my least favorite part from Ki. too bad Kathrine isn't returning instead.

really excited for these 3 albums nontheless.
#295251 by MisterLith
Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:29 pm
Very excited about the new works - hope it all stays at the right balance for you. Despite the prospect of Z2 getting me tingly since I first it was going to happen there is something about the way you talk about Epicloud that gives me a particularly good feeling about it, I already want to place my order :)

My favourite "Dev" moments definitely seem to be where they float somewhere "in between" to me, ie Ocean Machine, Synchestra, later parts of Ziltoid (The Greys/Solar Winds/Hyperdrive) which could be hard and could be soft.
#295254 by hunter_mc
Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:21 pm
Dev - LOL at your notion of "taking it slow" by only doing four or five albums in the next two or three years! You record more in two years than Metallica does in two decades!

As far as releasing Ghost 2 - why not do it as an iTunes and/or Amazon digital-only release? I think a lot of record labels are really missing the boat on digital exclusives. I mean, I understand that in the old days where everything was released on shiny plastic discs, there was a certain amount of investment that had to go into pressing thousands of CDs, shipping them across the world, making music videos, buying ad space, etc and if enough of those discs didn't sell then everybody lost money (esp. the artist).

But seeing as Ghost 2 is already recorded, how hard would it be to just put it on iTunes and promote it through blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.?
#295273 by gurp13
Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:55 pm
gitrplaya4u wrote:
If you release Ghost 2 for free I will go to eBay and buy some pins or some shit that I don't want. So, shut up and take my money.

whats better, to never hear it cause insideout or CM or whoever doesnt want to pay for it, or to get it for free?

I would prefer to hear it, of course. But, the thing I was trying to say was that, in my opinion, Dev should not worry about charging money for his music, performing, or anything else related to his work as it is what he gets paid for and we, the consumers, should understand clearly our end of the bargain. He plays and entertains, we pay. We reap and he sows. Or something.

And, mainly, my point in that sentence is that I will give Dev my money whether he likes it or not.

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