The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#308970 by Fnargl
Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:32 am
They look OK but they're definitely upscaled. Terria is one of my favourite album covers so it's disappointing that it's not full sized. The head on the OM cover is pretty blurry.

I doubt Terria and OM were made with vinyl in mind, so that's why there isn't bigger artwork. I'll be listening to it later and I'll post the results.


Sounds good. There's some hard cuts between sides but that can't be helped with vinyl. Definitely a lot better than the Back On Black releases.

Here's a short sample of Nobody's Here for anybody interested


#308995 by Pockets1777red
Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:42 pm
Fnargl wrote:Sounds good. There's some hard cuts between sides but that can't be helped with vinyl. Definitely a lot better than the Back On Black releases.

Here's a short sample of Nobody's Here for anybody interested



I am a fledgling audiophile and am not versed in spectral graphs and things of that nature but since the waveform extends into the 48khz frequency ceiling, wouldn't that mean that the Terria vinyl would have had to use the original multi track master tapes or a safety copy? It definitely sounds better, even through my crappy laptop speakers.
Is this also the case for Ocean Machine?

I'm guessing that the inner sleeves aren't plain and have the lyrics/artwork printed on them?
#309007 by static2
Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:55 pm
Pockets1777red wrote:
Fnargl wrote:Sounds good. There's some hard cuts between sides but that can't be helped with vinyl. Definitely a lot better than the Back On Black releases.

Here's a short sample of Nobody's Here for anybody interested



I am a fledgling audiophile and am not versed in spectral graphs and things of that nature but since the waveform extends into the 48khz frequency ceiling, wouldn't that mean that the Terria vinyl would have had to use the original multi track master tapes or a safety copy? It definitely sounds better, even through my crappy laptop speakers.
Is this also the case for Ocean Machine?

I'm guessing that the inner sleeves aren't plain and have the lyrics/artwork printed on them?

they can't be sourced from the multitrack tapes, as those were damaged in The Great Flood of '04. however, it's definitely sourced from a hi-res version, so perhaps they got stereo tapes from the mastering house, or they had already digitized the master tapes before.

thanks very much Fnargl for the sample and analysis, i'm quite glad these are the quality i had hoped Back on Black would have achieved. if you're able/willing to grab a sample from OM, that'd be super fantastic too.

re: cover art
#309025 by Fnargl
Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:42 pm
Yeah, looking at the spectral it looks like they're from some higher quality master, otherwise there would be a hard 22khz cutoff.

The inner sleeves have artwork printed on them and lyrics/album info.

I'll be doing Ocean Machine tomorrow. I'll see if I can get photos of both albums too.
#309080 by static2
Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:40 am
Pockets1777red wrote:Were all the multi-track tapes from every album by Devy damaged in The Great Flood of '04? (DT, SYL, DTB)

as far as we know. that's why the backing tracks for pre-Alien songs sound different/altered from the studio versions when he plays them live; it's especially blatant on Safe Zone, the bonus DVD for Synchestra, where even the Accelerated Evolution songs
#309237 by overture
Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:51 am
ok, I finally opened up my copies. The Terria green vinyl looks amazing, its not that regular translucent green vinyl that everyone presses, but this very bright spring-green colour one - fits the album perfectly. I would have to say that the overall quality is very-very good on these, only maybe Nuclear Blast would of have done a better job. I have 800 records, so I should know what Im talking about :)

But The Symphony X - The Odyssey is even better. I have that album on CD, and it even blows my Japanese import CD away. Rarely a vinyl version is made better if released years after the CD, but this really is better - you can really see all the artwork in super detail for the first time.
#309304 by Voradin
Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:53 pm
CMDistro will eventually have them; they are already listed on the site, just not available to order yet. Presumably they are waiting to get the vinyls in themselves.

You can also check Amazon, I found a German distributor offering Ocean Machine for US$16 plus $3 shipping. Unfortunately as of today no one has Terria on vinyl for sale through Amazon yet...
#309307 by BayBayMan
Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:07 pm
Voradin wrote:CMDistro will eventually have them; they are already listed on the site, just not available to order yet. Presumably they are waiting to get the vinyls in themselves.

You can also check Amazon, I found a German distributor offering Ocean Machine for US$16 plus $3 shipping. Unfortunately as of today no one has Terria on vinyl for sale through Amazon yet...

Wow, only $13. I hope that deal stays as is when they get more in stock. I want both so bad.

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