Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#324051 by swervedriver
Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:18 pm
Aha! I was there! Albeit slightly incapacitated due to a cold, but I think Dev may have been feeling just as bad given the state of his voice. Fortunately, Anneke joined the stage for a few songs, so that was nice. Sold-out show, energy of the audience was great, and despite the voice problems it was an admirable performance by all.

One disappointing thing though, the sound was not that great; the mix seemed pretty flat, and sometimes missed entire parts (most notably Dave's solo during Addicted, up until halfway through).

Setlist was (almost) the same as throughout the tour:
Truth (w/ Anneke)
Fallout (w/ Anneke)
Hyperdrive (without Anneke, curiously)
Rejoice (also without Anneke, even more curiously as she's prominently on the backing track)
Addicted (here Dev remembered she was on the side of the stage and asked her back)
March of the Poozers
A New Reign
Lucky Animals
Happy Birthday to Bas (one of the guys running the Fetid! fanpage on facebook)
Ih-Ah (w/ Anneke)

My highlights: Fallout (which surprised me, as Z2 is hardly my favorite release), Namaste (holy shit, that was awesome!) and Storm.


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