Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#323640 by swervedriver
Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:29 am
They're nearly driving home for christmas. Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at the Nile Theater in Mesa?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!

#323654 by Raven Skyler;
Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:07 pm
It's crazy that I saw them live I never thought that I would be able to! The show was amazing but I wish it didn't end :( I've been waiting since October for that show. It was like everything could possibly go wrong that day haha except when we drove into Phoenix! For the last few months the retinal circus was the only thing that was playing on our TV lol I'm glad we got to see them play! I'm thankful for receiving the set list... now I'm just debating if I should keep it or frame it and give it to my brother as a Christmas gift Muahahaha :)
#324404 by Nathan_lol
Fri May 29, 2015 10:12 pm
I was at this show, there were these benches at the venue and i got there early and stood above the crowd the whole time

fucking brutal, killer show as usual. just seeing bad devil live was the craziest shit. and the visuals!!! and of course singing along to Z2 was a trip, as i was technically singing along to a recording that i am on.

dev's live shows are crazy, transcending the normal metal shit. its like therapy for me

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