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The Hummer + Snowshoes = JOY!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:13 am
by djskrimp

Just got back from snowshoeing a mountain in the northernmost point of the mainland of Japan. How this relates to the Hummer: I had the Hummer playing on my Ipod Shuffle whilst I was going up the mountain. The two together were like peanut butter and honey. I was in sheer heaven from the sights and sounds. The cold, almost claustrophobic closeness of the trees, and then the vastness of the open places, the strong wind blowing snow in my face, and the sun coming out occasionally all added to the otherworldly sounds oozing from my earphones. If you can go out in nature, and have the Hummer quietly playing as you galavant about, I highly recommend it.

These are the tops of 35-40 foot trees. The snow gets so high, only the tops poke through.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:04 am
by Keeker
I want to try that, but in the summer. Lying on my back in a field of wheat or barley, staring up at a patch of blue sky perfectly framed by the enclosing dusty gold of the crop.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:48 am
Those are some beautiful pics, man id love to try that. Sounds heavenly.

Re: The Hummer + Snowshoes = JOY!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:08 am
by Zyprexa
djskrimp wrote:If you can go out in nature, and have the Hummer quietly playing as you galavant about, I highly recommend it.

Is that the Putin in the background of that picture!!? And I thought galavant was a solely Irish word. Yes, I intend to do a lot of listening to Hummer in the summer in West Cork. Spend most of my time there lying, watching the waves crashing against the rocks with my ickul preshus baybeee and listening to the wind howling around me and I love West Cork and the sea and the summer and being so isolated for a while..

I'd recommend the West of Ireland to anyone who wants to holiday here. Particularly the islands off the coast of Galway, and the very South Western places. Lots of sea and sun in the summer.

Re: The Hummer + Snowshoes = JOY!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:44 am
by djskrimp
Zyprexa wrote:Is that the Putin in the background of that picture!!? And I thought galavant was a solely Irish word. Yes, I intend to do a lot of listening to Hummer in the summer in West Cork. Spend most of my time there lying, watching the waves crashing against the rocks with my ickul preshus baybeee and listening to the wind howling around me and I love West Cork and the sea and the summer and being so isolated for a while..

I'd recommend the West of Ireland to anyone who wants to holiday here. Particularly the islands off the coast of Galway, and the very South Western places. Lots of sea and sun in the summer.

I don't think it's the Putin, but we aren't that far from Russia, so who knows?

"Galavant" has been stolen from ye...much like you loverly, loverly Guinness. Sorry.

When the cherry blossom season hits, I imagine I will have the Hummer in ear. Of course, more pictures will ensue.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:03 am
by Planet Rain
Cool adventure!

What do you do in Japan?
How is it to live there?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:46 pm
by JuZ
Good question!

I know you've been there for quite a while now. We've toyed with the idea of taking some time out from what we're doing now to try something different like teaching English in Japan. It seems both exciting and daunting. You're military, aren't you djskrimp? I mean, I'm a 6'4" gaijin with a shaved head... I'd stand out quite a bit if I were living amongst the general population and don't know how I'd cope in a country where we'd be so culturally challenged, if you know what I mean.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:12 pm
by Coma Divine
Yeah, skrimp interrogates defecting North Korean pilots by playing Punky Brüster to them at 90 db.

Gives them a good head start to Western life. :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:28 pm
by JuZ
Hehe... I interrogate Koreans on a daily basis... I should try the Punky treatment and see what happens.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:15 am
by djskrimp
JuZ wrote:Good question!

I know you've been there for quite a while now. We've toyed with the idea of taking some time out from what we're doing now to try something different like teaching English in Japan. It seems both exciting and daunting. You're military, aren't you djskrimp? I mean, I'm a 6'4" gaijin with a shaved head... I'd stand out quite a bit if I were living amongst the general population and don't know how I'd cope in a country where we'd be so culturally challenged, if you know what I mean.

6'4"? I have an inch on you. The Japanese, unlike the Koreans, are actually not that short...the younger ones, anyway. When I was in Korea in 96-97, I felt like a giant. Here, not so much.

I am in the military. Air Force weather forecaster...and this weather is FUN to forecast for. Snow, high winds, sea fog this fun fun.

The great thing about the Japanese is their willingness to accept other cultures. Their language absorbs it a high rate. Yet, they still retain their own culture and the two exist fairly harmoniously. Go to the Ginza's a wacked out super-modern techno wonder. Go to Kyoto, and you will see the ancient Japan of beauty and delicacy. These co-exist on a land smaller than California, yet is filled with about 1/3 the amount of people that the US has...5th largest in the world.

Do I love this place? Holy cow, do I. The people, the places, the food...hell, I just spent $700 on a camera, so I could take decent pictures of all that I see here.

I've talked long enough. Rest assured, more pictures will be coming. I mean, Cherry Blossom season is soon....

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:33 am
by JuZ

Ahem. Sorry. I find Japan completely fascinating, so the more you can tell me about it the more my wife and I may end up working there one day. I suppose the best thing to do would be to spend some time there on holiday and see what WE think of it, oui?