Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#269558 by ChaosD.
Tue May 31, 2011 8:00 am
We have seen the rise of Djent within the last few years, all stemming from 'that' guitar tone, coined by Fredrik Thordendal. There are links in Devy's work as well as bands like Tool but the sub-genre has definitely grown. So which Djent bands do we all dig?

Personally I am really getting into Tesseract, Animals as Leaders and Xerath
#269559 by Octillus
Tue May 31, 2011 8:14 am
some of the music's cool, I like about half of that AAL album, but dear god I have never wanted a term to die more than Djent.
#269560 by Faffy
Tue May 31, 2011 8:17 am
I don't know shit about Djent... all though I like Animals as Leaders A LOT! : D
(I think I actually discovered them here back in my lurking days)
#269566 by ChaosD.
Tue May 31, 2011 8:43 am
Why the hate for the term lol, its easier than post progressive art-math-metal
#269569 by AlucardXIX
Tue May 31, 2011 8:53 am
What happened to groove metal? I think that's a pretty easy one. Or progressive groove metal? Technical groove metal?

I hate the idea of "djent is a genre" a lot more than "djent is a sound you can make on guitar"

There are plenty of excellent stand out bands: Periphery, Tesseract, Fell Silent(all 3 pioneers of the "Style"), Monuments, Stealing Axion (seriously worth your time), Circles...There are plenty to name, but those are real stand outs.
#269571 by BrunoN
Tue May 31, 2011 9:03 am
I like the idea of djent the genre. It sounds much less pretentious than any of the -cores or whatever national-socialist progressive vegetarian speedmetals. It began its life as a cheeky onomatopeia and ended being a flag for genre pretty much spontaneously.

It's, like, the best kind of genres - nobody tried to look tough when inventing it - you can't say that about most of -metals.
#269594 by fragility
Tue May 31, 2011 11:09 am
I've been following Tesseract since it was just Acle in his bedroom and they just keep getting better and better! Animals as leaders rock too...periphery on the other hand do nothing for me.

Like all these names it's just another way of describing music, the term makes little difference.

They slightly Djenty thing does seem to be everywhere at the moment and I can see it getting to be too much before long
#269609 by BrunoN
Tue May 31, 2011 12:26 pm
daneulephus wrote:Ugh. Are we really going here? :P

#269611 by daneulephus
Tue May 31, 2011 12:33 pm
I'm not trying to be a djerk. I djust don't see how it's djustified to discuss anymore. The debate is played out. Djenius music for the most part though...
#269614 by Lettuce
Tue May 31, 2011 1:03 pm
#269628 by ppinkham
Tue May 31, 2011 3:07 pm
ChaosD. wrote:Why the hate for the term lol, its easier than post progressive art-math-metal

I'm just tired of every time a band or two come out with a similar sound, they are suddenly the founders of a new genre. Do we have to be that exact? Can't it just be "progressive metal?"

We're running out of names for new genres, anyway. Now we are naming them after guitar sounds. We need to simplify things. Honestly, if someone asks me what kind of music Periphery plays, I say "metal." That's enough for me, and usually good enough for them, as well.
#269632 by ChaosD.
Tue May 31, 2011 3:39 pm
I understand the point but Cannibal Corpse are vastly different from Saxon....yet they are both metal. Sub-genre's give birth to arguing, rivalry and in fighting but I think they are a necesarry evil.
#269637 by ppinkham
Tue May 31, 2011 4:05 pm
ChaosD. wrote:I understand the point but Cannibal Corpse are vastly different from Saxon....yet they are both metal. Sub-genre's give birth to arguing, rivalry and in fighting but I think they are a necesarry evil.

I think it's just because I'm old, and remember a time when Led Zeppelin, Rush, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, and Metallica were all just "metal." lol

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