Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#271021 by indo_mex
Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:46 am
I like early Metallica and love Reed's album Berlin, but I'm still totally bemused by this. I don't know what to think - kinda came out of nowhere. However, at a push I'm suspecting it'll be an interesting curio but epic fail.
#271022 by Pik_Nick'92
Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:24 am
Wow, did I miss something? Does April fool's come twice a year now?

Yeah, your spot on there Billy. Completely out of the blue this is. Whether or not this will be any good, we'll just have to wait and see.

It'll be interesting to see the end result of it :) .
#271107 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:07 pm
Until we hear it (a leak, a sample, whatever), I will remain hesitant. It may not be a bad thing; but considering Metallica's track record for the past 15 or so years, yeah.

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