Face your chaos, know who you are!
#207760 by GuyOne
Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:02 pm
i guess some people don't know your history with words. You say you want to play clean guitar and that you need drugs to make SYL style music straight from the heart, that makes it the easiest way and everyone misinterpurated it into you saying you don't want to make metal anymore.

Besides the point, lets keep this thread on topic.

I haven't watched the clip since the day it was released but all these recent posts get me itching for it. I'll load it up ASAP. I am just a busy man.
#207766 by GuyOne
Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:57 pm
...and everyone will believe every word you say.

Boobs? Where!? Hold on... I am surrounded by boobs all day at work. I am the only male employee!
#207782 by OceanMachine15
Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:54 pm
The Dev wrote:Nah... we do it for the art.

lmao Ozzfest 2006

"We follow the muse wherever she may lead, and she has led us to...(I can't believe I got outta bed for this) Ozzfest!

Love that interview Dev.
#207783 by GuyOne
Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 pm
OceanMachine15 wrote:
The Dev wrote:Nah... we do it for the art.

lmao Ozzfest 2006

"We follow the muse wherever she may lead, and she has led us to...(I can't believe I got outta bed for this) Ozzfest!

Love that interview Dev.

I guess it had to be rode out to the very end. I could only imagine what would be happening now if SYL didn't end... This Coast video wouldn't exist. At least not with the soundtrack. Maybe with a new SYL song in the vein of Almost Again or a new DTB song.
#207786 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:32 am
Nathan_lol wrote:So I did the sit far back in the dark thing, and holy fuck. That video was a full on assault against my sanity and I'm really creeped out by it. The images themselves aren't really that scary, but they way they are portrayed with the lighting and shaky cameras was really freaky. And that noise that's made on the test patterns, holy fuck! Noises like that (emergency test beep things that go ENNNUHHHENNNHHHH, smoke detectors) have always terrified me, so that noise cut to the core of me. Upon further review that video is awesome, I mean who would associate aliens with Coast? It brings the song into a whole new light.

And yeah Catlin, I definitively think there was some influence of Contact in there. The way it builds up all of this mysterious extraterrestrial stuff that answers so many questions, but then never really shows those answers and makes you want more really reminded me of Contact. Wow, that sentence made no sense. It's hard to explain what I mean.

I think I know what you're getting at, Nathan. :D
I'm reading a little too far into it, but the graphics kinda reminded me of the blueprints in the movie.

I wonder how log it took to make the video - it's really well executed and looks like it was done with the utmost care. It's what you don't see, that makes the video creepy 8)

Oh and Nathan,


Ew wat? xD
#207832 by daneulephus
Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:42 am
Well...I would drop my two cents about the video here if I could actually watch the damn thing properly. I have probably the only 56k connection left on earth, because I am Dutch of descent and my Dad pays the bill. Well...I will mosey on over to Ryan's soon and watch it properly, I promise. It certainly is creepy though, even without full screen and 5 feet back.
#207835 by Purple Tentacle
Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:46 am
GuyOne wrote:...and everyone will believe every word you say.

Boobs? Where!? Hold on... I am surrounded by boobs all day at work. I am the only male employee!

You, sir, make me feel incredibly envious for some reasons...
#207924 by hairbearbunch
Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:22 pm
Watched it a few times, (with heaps of pauses), effects are awesome. Content on the subject matter is a bit errrrgh 80's, actually I don't really get it, it's just weird and trippy. Investigate Robert Morning Sky, for alien symbols/letters, get some REAL juicy stuff. Dunno if it suits the song either, is there a context connection?
#207931 by The Dev
Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:14 pm
Yeah, again...the WHOLE thing, concept and all is Konrad. I think it's really well done...

I'm not a huge conspiracy guy in all honesty.

I know nothing about videos...every video I've ever done, the director does a treatment and then just goes for it.

I actually don't know what it's about...It seems like a mock government file. I love it, I think it's amazing...

Konrad is a good friend and a pretty trippy artist.
#208069 by pevadi88
Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:16 am
daneulephus wrote:Well...I would drop my two cents about the video here if I could actually watch the damn thing properly. I have probably the only 56k connection left on earth, because I am Dutch of descent and my Dad pays the bill. Well...I will mosey on over to Ryan's soon and watch it properly, I promise. It certainly is creepy though, even without full screen and 5 feet back.

From one Dutch guy to someone with a greedy Dutch father: You can probably get a much faster connection for the same money.

I like the video for 'Coast', I love these kind of video's. I wouldn't mind seeing Freehann's ideas for 'Coast' being realized though.

just a quick note to om15:
I was checking out your videos, and your gonna say the artistry in them is better than in the Coast video? all you did was edit scenes and put music over them, and in many places especially in the 300 one the music doesn't even fit. i'm sorry, but i think to compare the two is a bit silly. Coast is far more complex and put together delicately. i mean, your videos are good for what they are, but to say that you could do a better job for Coast based on those I think is pretty persumptious. Coast is a work of complex art, obviously not made for mainstream appeal. I personally love the video becuase it is that way, you dont really know what your looking at, its something to chew on, and its a mind fuck. not like every popular video of today of people just standing there and playing and maybe a few cut in scenes of a girl they lost. i wouldn't expect that from dev, in fact, i wouldnt want that from Dev.
my humble opinion.

and i would second that fuck mtv :P

Amen to that! All of it.
#208118 by hakmed
Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:44 pm
I've on the tail end of a wicked bender and I must say that I'm messed up.. stumbled home in beautiful montreal and had Alien blasting on my player.. only prob is that only one earphone worked so it was kinda shitty.. Dev you should remix that shit yo.. use Dolby or something.. haha have a nice w-e uckers

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