You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!
#114350 by Deth Warmdover
Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:23 pm
I would love to here any of Devy's albums at lazarium but particularly the high concept ones like Terria and Synchestra. At the planitarium here in Vancouver, they have started LIVE lazer shows.DTB would rule that environment. Has this idea ever been brought up in these forums before?

#114360 by Blazingmonga
Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:00 pm
Hold on...can you explain this a bit more? What is a 'Lazarium' exactly? Something to do with lasers, but I dont see what.

Sounds fun though!

And no, I dont think it has been brought up before.
#114378 by Deth Warmdover
Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:06 pm
Sure,man. I guess I was kinda vague. Here in Vancouver there's a museum with an astronomy viewing theatre called the Planetarium. They show interesting programs involving astronomy and space science projected onto a giant overhead dome[really big].Another feature is their Lazarium shows which are lazer light programs set to Pink Floyd,Genisis, Zepplin usually full albums with really great sound state of the art lazers and the cleanest ionised air in Vancouver. Devy's shit would be perfect for that! :idea:

#114391 by Puzzleface
Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:30 pm
Used to go see "Dark Side of the Moon" in Golden Gate park's planetarium all the time.

I think the biggest issue is putting asses in the seats in order to justify the expense. The lasers and the programming that goes into synching it to music is pretty expensive. Since the Dev isn't exactly a household name (like FLoyd) it probably would not be a huge draw.

Though it would be great for the rest of us.

#114393 by funny_little_guy
Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:33 pm
Do A Dev and Pink Floyd night... I'll fly over for it.

#114449 by Biert
Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:16 am
Sounds pretty cool. I wan't Laz-ariums here, too!

#114638 by A-Daamage
Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:48 pm
They should really use the two greatest space metal albums ever made for something like this:

1. Andromeda - Extension Of The Wish (the original recording with Lawrence on vocals, not the subpar remix with the new vocalist)
2. Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors

I've also often wondered what a Dev-written space metal album would sound like. He's proven beyond a doubt he can write vast, majestic soundscapes with Ocean Machine. I would love to hear a space metal epic passed through the Dev filter.

::drifting off thinking how awesome this would sound::

#114687 by earworm
Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:02 am
A-Daamage wrote:They should really use the two greatest space metal albums ever made for something like this:

1. Andromeda - Extension Of The Wish (the original recording with Lawrence on vocals, not the subpar remix with the new vocalist)

That album was so awesome, i can't stand the new singer, mackrory needs to come back into that band. That CD is one of my all time favs

#114752 by A-Daamage
Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:28 pm
earworm wrote:
A-Daamage wrote:They should really use the two greatest space metal albums ever made for something like this:

1. Andromeda - Extension Of The Wish (the original recording with Lawrence on vocals, not the subpar remix with the new vocalist)

That album was so awesome, i can't stand the new singer, mackrory needs to come back into that band. That CD is one of my all time favs

Lawrence Mackrory was only a session vocalist. He was working as Dan Bergstrand's (who also happened to be the co-producer for both City and Ocean Machine) assistant in the studio at the time, and Andromeda had no vocalist when they went in to record the album. Amazingly, Lawrence heard the music right there in the studio, without any rehearsal with the band, went in and recorded the vocals on the spot with the lyrics Johan Reinholdz had written. I wish he would've become a permanent member. And since you mentioned, here is my all-time Top 10 albums:

1. Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine
2. Type O Negative - October Rust
3. Andromeda - Extension Of The Wish
4. Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
5. Metallica - Master Of Puppets
6. Strapping Young Lad - City
7. Fear Factory - Obsolete
8. Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill
9. Opeth - Ghost Reveries
10. In Flames - Colony

The top 5 never really change, but 6 - 10 are in constant shift with other albums like Dev's Infinity and Synchestra, Soilwork's The Chainheart Machine, Tool's Ænima and Lateralus, Anathema's Eternity, and about 30 others.

#114822 by Deth Warmdover
Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:49 pm
I've gotta check out that disk,Andromeda-Extension of the wish. It's good sh@# is it?

#114879 by A-Daamage
Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:23 pm
Deth Warmdover wrote:I've gotta check out that disk,Andromeda-Extension of the wish. It's good sh@# is it?

Imagine a much less effeminate, metalized Dream Theater with the greatest guitar soloist I've ever heard. Johan Reinholdz was only TWENTY years old when he not only played all the guitars, both rhythm and lead, for Extension Of The Wish, but wrote ALL the music and lyrics as well. The guy makes guitarists 10 years his elder look silly. They outperform every single "prog metal" (and I can't tell you how much I hate that term) band on the planet.

<tangent>"Prog metal" is such an outdated term that it has no meaning anymore. Opeth is progressive metal; so is Meshuggah; so is Mastodon (and I'm getting sick of every magazine calling them a rock band. They're METAL, you morons); so is the DTB as far as I'm concerned. The type of music labeled "prog metal" should be renamed "effeminate wankery metal". Okay, rant over.</tangent>

Every musician in Andromeda is ridiculously talented. They run through 11/16 and other such odd signatures with effortless ease, but never sacrifice melody or musical flow, and create something really unique and memorable. Every single riff will stick in your head for days after hearing them just once. This band is just as much about writing SONGS as it is about technical ability.

That being said, I'm not sure where to find the original album with Lawrence on vocals. The End Records only has the remixed, and far inferior version with the new vocalist. Amazon may still have it, though I have no idea. The band's website may have details on where to find it:

#114880 by A-Daamage
Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:43 pm
Here you go: ... oding=UTF8

There are samples of every song on the album, in multiple formats, so check it out. It's WELL worth the money to order it. I guarantee you'll never hear another album like it. A space metal masterpiece played to absolute perfection with youthful passion and technical precision even Dream Theater can't touch.

Sadly, if you dig this album, their second one, II = I will probably let you down as they found a cookie-cutter, effeminate vocalist that sounds like every other wanker metal vocalist and they toned the metal WAY down. Not to say II = I is a bad album - far from it - but it doesn't hold a candle to Extension Of The Wish.

#115392 by Deth Warmdover
Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:04 pm
Nice plug,bro! I'll check it out for sure.

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