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#115778 by Atari
Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:20 pm
Spore looks very interesting.

#115784 by djskrimp
Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:36 pm
Majora's Mask = Highly underrated
Black= I want that SOOOOOOO bad
Windwaker = Other than the sailing aspect, one of the best games ever

#115815 by black_tooth_grin
Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:28 pm
I like:

Silent Hill series
Resident Evil 4
Soul Calibur III
Street Fighter
Doom series

Black looks pretty sweet, i'll be picking that up this week along with the new Onimusha. 8)

#115879 by Biert
Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:26 am
Black has been over-hyped (marketed?). They say you can destroy everything, but it fact you can't.

#115886 by jon
Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:56 am
me and a friend rented black out over the weekend (and completed it of course) and i really enjoyed it.
its not groundbreaking, its just lots and lots of simulated violence (read:fun).

i read a review which made a good point- black is comparable to the burnout racing games (also made by criterion) so far as that both games have sacrificed the 'realism' to enhance the 'gameplay'.

do you 'know' what im trying 'to' say?
id give it 4/5.
its definately a game that i want to play thro again.
the only drawback is a lack of a multiplayer option. to feed our multiplayer fix, we've moved on to Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory.
theres only one thing better than simulated violence, thats sneaky simulated violence with a friend! :lol:

#115889 by Edzecrüshaer
Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:11 am
Guess I know what's up now. Re-playing some Zelda games on the GC. :P :roll:

#115942 by psychotic
Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:30 pm
I've been doing a bit of that lately myself. WW, 4 Swords, and the master quest for OoT.

#115995 by Tim
Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:28 am
Currently trying to collect all the dog tags in MGS2

#116019 by Biert
Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:04 pm
It just hurts, watching those Oblivion teasers

#116020 by gozu
Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:21 pm
dawn of war! that is a goood rts

#116027 by Mudtrailer
Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:41 pm
Acrid wrote:Image

ALL C&C games including expansions. <3

whoa... available for X box ? Or PC only : loved C&C two with Yuri's revenge...

#116036 by Atari
Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:06 pm
With any amount of luck, Aspyr (EA's Mac team) will port it over for OSX.

#116047 by Falk
Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:51 pm
I'm sceptical for Spore. Looks great at first, I like the first part of the movie (when you create your creature), but then it turns into more intelligent (or dumb) creatures, space travel, annihilation and all, seems to big and out of scale.

Like Black & White, it looked like you could do everything, and in the end, you could throw sheep across mountains, and see some chaotic points grow on your temple when you killed some humans...
Ok, the 10fps of my old computer didn't helped the experience... ;)

#116054 by Hughie
Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:13 pm
Spore reminds me of E.V.O. from the sega genesis and seaman from dreamcast at the beginning, then it becomes more and more like other great games. I think it's going to be even more amazing and revolutionary than the Sims and Sim City were when Will Wright made them too. The only downside, is all the people that are going to try to create the UBER CREATURE guides and so you'll see lots of copies.. I also think I'd be a little bummed to see my whole planet was nuked while I was asleep. Although, I don't know if that's possible? I don't think I fully understand how the multiplayer aspect of it works, if it's not an MMO. Does everyone have universes in a way that if I destroy another persons planet in my universe, it won't actually affect their planet in Their universe, they just wont be able to trade with me anymore? I'm confused.. maybe I didn't pay enough attention.

#116102 by Biert
Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:35 am
I think the multiplayer of Spore is not MMO. The game just downloads other players creations into your game, but they will be contolled by the compute, and not by the other player who created them.

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