Face your chaos, know who you are!
#201224 by Tobylove
Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:33 am
As i have all devys cds on japanese edition that always include extra tracks, i was wondering if there will be any on the ki edition, any idea ??
maybe dev could answer that question ! :twisted:
#201303 by djskrimp
Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:27 am
I'll take a look this weekend! I'll let you know. Because, you can bet your ass I'll be buying it.
#201810 by Tobylove
Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:42 am
I found on isohunt 3 extra tracks dev' has put online to download, but cant find where it is, sorry if it has been already posted here :

Hey folks!  Dev here...here's three tracks for ya. I think they're cool, but theyre just 'bonus' stuff for Ki...take em, love em, hate em, burn a disk and enjoy...(or not)

Track 1) SYNCHRONICITY FREAKS: This is the first song I wrote for Ki, didn't end up quite right though...I like it and it's cool to hear (I think) It's unmastered.

Track 2) KI JAM: This is Me, Jean and Duris kind of jamming in between takes while we were recording the album...yup. It's unmastered too.

Track 3) TESTING SOME FENDER TOYS: This was a sunny afternoon and I'm just messing around with clean sounds and different pickups. It was a Fender 57 Twin reissue with some Mullards, My EJ strat, and a Keeley compressor. Echos were after the fact. Aaaand, unmastered. Get yer wank on.

Theres lots more stuff I'll put up here in the next month or so. Music is life, thanks for letting me continue to do it!


Didnt find this Japanese edition yet, but i suppose those 3 tracks will be included.

Listenning to them right now 8)
#201853 by neillyb
Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:24 am
Devin released those tracks a few weeks before Ki was released as a wee bonus thing

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