All hail Ziltoid!
#226922 by i4mt3hwin
Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:55 pm
Kind of. Dev made a post on here not to long ago about how he liked the way the Ziltoid material on Deconstruction sounded with a real band so he was going to hold it off to do a Z2 album.
#226930 by Robert23
Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:21 pm
"Kind of"? I was under the impression it was a definite.....
#226943 by i4mt3hwin
Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:21 pm
Well someone saying something isn't really definite, especially when it comes to Dev. I mean it was "definite" when Ziltoid was apart of deconstruction, now he's like an observer. One of his recent posts says he doesn't know how Ziltoid is going to come back, just that he wants to come back. He even mentions a movie. Dev changes his mind all the time, not that changing your mind is a bad thing - but yeah - nothing is definite with him.
#226963 by The Dev
Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:23 am
#227043 by Tree
Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:42 am
The Dev wrote:Definite!

HAHA :lol:
#227048 by UndeadInJersey
Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:09 am
When this happens in the future Devin should get Brendon Small to do animated material for it.
#227133 by mrbean667
Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:29 pm
I have a feeling this will be the magnum opus.
#227168 by Naz
Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:23 am
Well if it comes off, it souds to me as if it'll be to progheads what "Deconstruction" is assumed shall be for death-heads (even if I believe Deconstruction is more likely to be "technical" as id est as opposed to merely "heavy"). Either way, I am looking forward to it, as I loved the use of what I term "The Gaia Motif" running through Ziltoid, and the layering and progressive elements. It will also be interesting to expand the Ziltoid character more, as we all know how impressive his flail is due to that photoshoot, but what of the motivations behind such debauchery? I honestly don't think finances were the only reason for such behaviour...
#227250 by Nightshine
Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:14 pm
The question was still not answered if it were to be pronounced "Zee" or "Zed"
#227256 by Leechmaster
Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:35 pm
I'd think Zee, because if it was Zed and he ever attained the lofty position of Lord there'd be an awful kerfuffle with this guy:


And then we'd all be fucked.

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