Woah! Good lord, it's a cheeseburger!!!
#270277 by DerTrommler
Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:29 pm
Having listened to Deconstruction several times through before deleting it, I tried to piece together the meaning of each song. (I deleted Decon and my entire 9000 some song collection after deciding to go all legal music. Just recently ordered Calm and the Storm.) Anyways, do you guys have any idea what some of the songs mean? I can understand parts of the songs, but never one as a whole. Juular interests me most. Also, the meaning of Praise the Lowered is pretty straightforward.
#270283 by Lolliklauer
Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:55 pm
I read somewhere that "Juular" was an accidential mistype of "Jugular", but Devin stayed with it because he liked it. "Stand" of course is "boner" in german (just kidding).
#270386 by orbsonb
Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:06 pm
I think a lot of it is kind of hard to pin down, because Devin writes in stream-of-consciousness form, so a lot of the stuff is probably just what sounded cool to him or "right" in the moment. I think the main theme that often comes through is about facing unpleasant or unsatisfying realities and becoming a better person for confronting/accepting them rather than hiding from them (especially in Poltergeist). A lot of the lyrics seem to be kind of musings on the nature of existence and stuff ("waaaaveforms of waaaaveforms, vibraaaaation," "we praise god/ourselves/satan, he lives inside of our hearts"). I think Stand deals a lot with growing up and dealing with maturity.
#270396 by _oppuld
Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:30 pm
I found it interesting to open the title track in an audio editing program, and noticed that the left channel and right channel were mirrors of each other and actually "formed" some shapes, including one similar to a cheeseburger. Might be a coincidence, maybe not. Some things are better not to read into :-/ If you don't understand a lot of Devin's lyrics, be grateful.
#270406 by RobD
Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:55 am
_oppuld wrote:I found it interesting to open the title track in an audio editing program, and noticed that the left channel and right channel were mirrors of each other and actually "formed" some shapes, including one similar to a cheeseburger. Might be a coincidence, maybe not. Some things are better not to read into :-/ If you don't understand a lot of Devin's lyrics, be grateful.

I looked and it looks like a perfectly normal waveform of a song. Sorry, that's what waveforms look like.
#270407 by _oppuld
Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:08 am
Actually, not really. They are typically spiked, more... wavey or full and not often "mirrored".. For ex. Left Channel: / / \ \ Right channel: / / \ \ . Instead of Left channel: / / \ \ Right channel: \ \ / /
#270409 by RobD
Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:23 am
It's just Devin not hard panning each of the guitars like classic 80s metal. It's just how he uses stereo space, there's absolutely nothing standing out or unusual with the waveforms of this album, it looks like every other modern metal album I have.
#270482 by mekahdexa
Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:46 pm
"The Mighty Masturbator" to me is about unintentional excess. The character begins by reflecting on himself (the clean bit), the "Numbered" bit is the beginning of his *ahem* "masturbatory" journey, his more threatening voice might be a sign that he is distancing himself from others (this is my interpretation of it). At 2:40 he realises that he can't stop himself and then at 3:25 he gains confidence, pushing forward on his journey.

The "save the world bit" is when his ego takes over (which explains the over-the-top guitar and vocals) which follows into the dance section, where he feels like he has the power to influence the world. The way this kinda fizzles out into the next bit (11:40) kinda sounds like he lost his footing, and in the next part he tries to convince his followers to, well, follow him. At 13:55 it seems like he has become a monster, a corruption of his former self, until finally at the waltz part, it's clear that he's just a clown and all he has done is made a fool of himself. The way Ziltoid appears here is a reference to the similar story in ZTO (and that album was initially to be called The Mighty Masturbator", if I recall correctly)

That was what I got from it, it's probably not that accurate to the intention Dev had but oh well haha. Different interpretations make it more interesting. :D

tl;dr : Awesome song
#270585 by _oppuld
Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:23 pm
Possibly just a coincidence due to some silent and spoken parts in the song.. The waves at the end of the song also oddly look like Sumerian symbols.
#271017 by The Dev
Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:38 am
Deconstruction: Analyzing something to the point of confusion, then taking a step back and realizing that it actually has no relevance to your life, embarrassment leads to pursuing what you actually want.

Juular: Started as 'Jugular' till I messed up the spelling, then decided it would be a good name for a fictional religious fanatic who spends his life in penance not due to appreciation of the infinite, but more based on the need to be right.
#271030 by Lettuce
Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:06 am
Is Juular one of those cult leaders wearing nothing but a smock made of bed linen? I hope so...
#271055 by daneulephus
Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:16 pm
The Dev wrote:Deconstruction: Analyzing something to the point of confusion, then taking a step back and realizing that it actually has no relevance to your life, embarrassment leads to pursuing what you actually want.

Juular: Started as 'Jugular' till I messed up the spelling, then decided it would be a good name for a fictional religious fanatic who spends his life in penance not due to appreciation of the infinite, but more based on the need to be right.

For some reason I imagined Juular as a mythical, possibly female demon that symbolized desires of some sort lol. No idea why.
#271057 by Kore
Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:24 pm
I was thinking that Juular was the "character." Then I thought, who would win in a Dev vs. Ziltoid vs. Juular triple threat match? But I think the answer to that one is pretty obvious.
#271525 by DerTrommler
Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:49 am
The Dev wrote:Deconstruction: Analyzing something to the point of confusion, then taking a step back and realizing that it actually has no relevance to your life, embarrassment leads to pursuing what you actually want.

Juular: Started as 'Jugular' till I messed up the spelling, then decided it would be a good name for a fictional religious fanatic who spends his life in penance not due to appreciation of the infinite, but more based on the need to be right.

Yes! I finally know! haha Thanks Dev. The song makes a lot more sense now. It would be awesome to get a description of how each song fits into the story of Deconstruction

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