Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#290710 by JuZ
Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:57 am
Music hasn’t been as much of a focus for me this year as it has other years, which made selecting favourites a bit more of a challenge. Probably also shows in my preference for shorter, catchier music this year, which is a bit of a shift. And metal really didn’t do much for me this year, with a few exceptions. But this is a fun way to spend a few minutes, and the bub just fell asleep at last (I hope), so here goes!

Dev – Deconstruction. Brilliant, intense and sometimes challenging music. Decon really took repeated listens for me to really get into fully, but it was worth it. Hooray for Dev in giving birth to what sounds like it might have been a… complicated child, shall we say. Ihsahn and Mikael’s voices sound epic here, btw.

Dev – Ghost. Ok, I’ll admit it. I don’t much go for flutey/panpipey sounds at all in this kind of music. In fact, I generally hate it with a passion. And so it was that I found this element of Ghost quite distracting at first. But everything else in Ghost is a delight and I trust Dev, so I looked beyond my prejudices and enjoyed the beauty.

Seasick Steve – You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks. Real music by a real man about real life. Real good.

Cloudkicker – Let Yourself Be Huge. What a surprise! And a very pleasant one. I love driving with this album playing. Ben’s non-business model (aka having a regular nine-to-five to pay the bills) allows him to do EXACTLY what he wants without any pressure from anyone at all. And it shows. A track like It’s Inside Me, And I’m Inside It was made for sunny afternoons when all is right with the world. It just feels like… how can I put it? As corny as it sounds, you can feel love in each chord. A delightful album and I am super impressed with each new thing this guy does.

Mastodon – The Hunter. I’ve raved about it plenty so I won’t repeat myself too much. Short, simple, rockin’, groovin’, infectious stuff from MASTODON? Pissed off some fans, which made me like it even more.

Steel Panther – Balls Out. Besides all the faux misogynistic fun, these guys actually write and produce old school LA rock that is catchy as fuck! And yes, fuck is catchy. Case in point being Just Like Tiger Woods. What a ridiculously infectious, feel-good song, I can’t get enough of it. Best lyric of the year: Surprise them all with an invitation to a viewing of your first double-penetration.

Gotye - Making Mirrors. Delightfully off-kilter, melodic stuff from start to finish. He had the biggest Aussie single this year (with a bit of help from Kimbra) and deserved it. He is, as we like to say, a jet. I hope Wally achieves all the success his talent deserves.

Honourable mentions to Adele – 21 (what a stunning voice) and Art vs. Science - The Experiment (even though Magic Fountain is one of the worst songs I happened to hear this year).

Stuff I need to catch up with / listen to properly:

Kimbra – Vows. And no, it’s not just because she’s drop dead gorgeous.
TesseracT – One. I enjoyed Concealing Fate, so I need to give this a whirl.
Foo Fighters – Wasting Light.
Noah and the Whale – Last Night on Earth
Bon Iver – Bon Iver. They’re a new one for me, but I can see why Mark loves ‘em. Look forward to listening to this soon.
The new TV on the Radio. Cool band.
The Roots - Undun. I love these guys and this is supposed to be a bit of a shift for them so it should be interesting.

And the one I’m most excited about: Black Keys – El Camino. I know I’ll love it. Check this shit out:

#290711 by JuZ
Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:04 am
fullgore wrote:I didn't realize the extent at which my taste in music was at odds with most people on this forum! Yikes! Most music that I got into this year is from previous years. But here's my list for this year:

The Weeknd - House of Balloons
DJ Shadow - The Less You Know The Better (I dislike a lot of the album; the rest of it I love)
DTP - Deconstruction
Phonte - Charity Starts at Home
letlive - Fake History
Thursday - No Devolucion
PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2
Tune Yards - W H O K I L L

Lots that I still need to check out - Opeth, M83, Mastodon, Yuck, Tom Waits, Burial, Protest the Hero
Jury is still out on the new The Roots.

Nah, looking at that list I can tell you you're not alone at all. :D
#290719 by Meh
Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:01 am
Wander wrote:possibly even friggin Scott Walker

Do you have any source for this!?
#290744 by Helge-Uwe
Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:58 am
Wander wrote:2012 ought be good with a new Alcest, Cynthesis, Devin, possibly even friggin Scott Walker, Tool, Wintersun and Disillusion.

our hope never dies, right? :lol:

Didn't expect them to be known in Finland :patrol: amazing!
But whatever they will come up with, whatever their style will sound like this time - they certainly will deliver.
#290874 by Wander
Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:47 pm
Meh wrote:
Wander wrote:possibly even friggin Scott Walker

Do you have any source for this!?

Hell yes I do, his record label updated to his timeline that he's started recording:

And Disillusion... Yeah, I think the last update referencing to upcoming music was that they went somewhere to compose back in 2010. They've been playing some gigs and shit so atleast they're kind of active... Loved both Splendor and Gloria so yeah, they NEED TO get something new out.

Wintersun... I don't even want to talk about it. 5 year delay (soon to be 6!) is ridiculous.
#290913 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:56 am
Wander wrote:Wintersun... I don't even want to talk about it. 5 year delay (soon to be 6!) is ridiculous.

It's been said before, but Time has to be the most ironically titled album ever.
#290917 by Leechmaster
Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:20 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:
Wander wrote:Wintersun... I don't even want to talk about it. 5 year delay (soon to be 6!) is ridiculous.

It's been said before, but Time has to be the most ironically titled album ever.

Is that still not release!?! HAHA!!! I've tuned out of the world of metal in recent times but I really would've thought that had been released by now! I remember posting back in early 2007 about it hopefully being released that year. :lol:
#290942 by Octillus
Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:49 am
I'm actually quite digging the bonus material from the dev boxset. The viewable DVD, ultimately leaves more to be desired, but hey, that's why they did London, but otherwise fuck yeah.
#290966 by sylkicks
Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:48 pm
Well I think I have my finalized list (which I had typed out and my browser on my iPod crashed... fuck you Apple), bar a few that might change it a bit if I'm able to listen to them. But here it is, in order:

1. Devin Townsend Project- Deconstruction and Ghost: I really can't decide between the two.
2. Mastodon- The Hunter
3. Opeth- Heritage; Not really sure on the hate for this one either. I think it's incredible. Very different, but an incredible feat for the band.
4. Russian Circles- Empros
5. Mogwai- Hardcore Will Never Die But You Will
6. Dropkick Murphys- Going Out in Style
7. Cloudkicker- Let Yourself Be Huge and Loop
8. A Storm of Light- As the Valley of Death Becomes Us Our Silver Memories Fade
9. Flogging Molly- The Speed of Darkness
10. The Lonely Island- Turtleneck and Chain
11. Devin Townsend- Unplugged: Great album, mainly based on the gorgeous take on Funeral. However, ends up a bit lower on the list as I would have liked a little more diversity without so many Ghost songs which are mostly acoustic anyway.
12. Scale the Summit- The Collective
13. Red Fang- Murder the Mountains
14. Explosions in the Sky- Take Care, Take Care, Take Care
15. East of the Wall- The Apologist
16. Foo Fighters- Wasting Light
17. Brent Hinds Presents- West End Motel and Fiend Without a Face
18. Helms Alee- Weatherhead
19. Boris- Attention Please and Heavy Rocks
20. The Atlas Moth- An Ache for the Distance

Releases I still need to process: Nightwish- Imaginaerum, Tombs- Path of Totality
Releases I really wanted to hear that I'm having difficulty finding/ slipped through the cracks: Crone- Endless Midnight, Boris- New Album
Releases others had hyped that I found pretty meh-y: Animals as Leaders- Weightless, The Human Absract- Digital Veil
Honorable Mentions: Amon Amarth- Surtur Rising, Arch Enemy- Khaos Legions, Red Hot Chili Peppers- I'm With You, Black Tusk- Set the Dial
Best Video Game of the Year- Skyrim (duh)
Best Movie of the Year: Honestly I can't think of one. Any one have one? Seriously, complete blank.
Best Shows of the Year: DEVIN FUCKING TOWNSEND, Mogwai, Scott Kelly w/ Jay Munly... there's more I'm sure I'm forgetting. Explosions in the Sky were pretty good too.

And there you go lads and lassies.
#290968 by Billy Rhomboid
Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:59 pm
JuZ wrote:Music hasn’t been as much of a focus for me this year as it has other years, which made selecting favourites a bit more of a challenge.

Haha. Now you have a child. This time next year you will not know any new releases. Five years from now a whole musical movement will have come and gone and you will have been unaware of it. Then your child will get into the music you hate most.

Good news is, it's worth it.
#291006 by JuZ
Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:25 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:
JuZ wrote:Music hasn’t been as much of a focus for me this year as it has other years, which made selecting favourites a bit more of a challenge.

Haha. Now you have a child. This time next year you will not know any new releases. Five years from now a whole musical movement will have come and gone and you will have been unaware of it. Then your child will get into the music you hate most.

Good news is, it's worth it.

Totally worth it, I'm sure!

It's funny, I can see everything you predicted coming true. And my musical tastes are suddenly much more mellow, which I absolutely attribute to fatherhood. Nothing changes your mind like this whole baby thing does. Amazing.
#291038 by vt1100
Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:02 am
Right now I can think three, Dev's Deconstruction, Symphony X - Iconoclast and Epysode - Obsessions.

Flip side I can think several, Dream Theater (really fed up with Labrie*s whining), Opeth (if I want to hear 70's music I'll get real stuff), Nightwish (very forgettable), Megadeth (really doesn't do anything for me anymore) etc etc.
#291059 by EphelDuath666
Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:30 am
since there's more than just music, as sylkicks pointed out:

my favorite movies of the year: Rango and...hmm...yeah. Rango. Alas I won't be able to watch the Muppets movie untill January and not sure if I wanna see the German version. Could have made my list otherwise, who knows. So yeah, Hollywood's a dying Bieber.

favorite games: Arkham City, most certainly. I loved Uncharted 2, Skyward Sword was pretty fantastic too. Skyrim should be mentioned too, but I have not played it much yet after 50 hours of Skyward Sword!!
#291068 by Octillus
Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:16 am
Game: Arkham City, without a fucking doubt.

Movie: Still need to see more of the grown up people movies, but really enjoyed the following: The Trip (maybe my favorite of the year), The Muppets, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, and honestly X-Men: First Class (way better than expectations).

Other flicks I had fun with, but obviously held to a lesser standard: Horrible Bosses, Thor, Captain America.

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