Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#323859 by fragility
Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:06 am
Zero Dark Thirty
The first film I've seen in months! I'd go with "OK" It was engaging and looked good, but something just didn't really work 100% for me. TBH, if rather see the inevitable subsequent movie in a decade or two that will have more info about the real events in the public domain to work from.
#323871 by JuZ
Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:24 pm

It doesn't pull many punches visually. It's interesting, I'm not sure how I feel about this movie. I think I need to watch it again after a while. I know a lot of people would have thought "Brad Pitt, Chia LeBoeufBourguignion, guns and tanks... cool", then walked out a little shocked by the visceral nature of the violence and sheer fucking awfulness of war.

It also made me think of my grandfather who was in North Africa and PNG. But then most WW2 films do that. :(
#323876 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:27 am

Michael Keaton is terrific and the movie as a whole is enthralling start to finish. Making it practically one continuous scene was done seamlessly and with touches of visual brilliance. It also gives plenty to think about in terms of relevance, nostalgia and the modern age. Definitely worth viewing.
#323886 by EphelDuath666
Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:28 pm
watched the movies 'Blue Ruin' and 'Gone Girl' and enjoyed both of them very much. I'd say Gone Girl is a return to from for Fincher and to me it's certainly his best movie since Fight Club. Could have done without NPH but oh well. And Blue Ruin was really, really good too. Everyone who enjoys a good revenge thriller should check this one out, it's really good and a little different.
#323961 by vt1100
Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:28 am
John Wick - This movie doesn't try to invent wheel again, in fact this movie is one of those Flintstones car wheels as it's very basic vengeance movie. But not bad one, say what you will about Keanu but he fits here perfectly.

The Equalizer - Here's another, kind of vengeance film but not as personal as Wick. Still shows how versatile actor Denzel Washington is, also Marton Csokas pulls his role almost terminator like russian assassin very good indeed.

Fury - For armor modeller like me this is must, with real Tiger tank on board and not one of those russian tank based copies. Shows brutality of war as it should and you can almost taste the oil and dirt and blood. Some have criticised ending battle for being unrealistic, well... Battle of Raseiniai single KV-2 tank held on it's own for a full day against germans before running out of ammo. And after all this is a movie, not a document of war.
#323964 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:08 am
Nymphomaniac director's cut.

Glad I didn't bother with the 4 hour theatrical version, as I heard mixed things, mostly of the unimpressed variety. And while a 5 and half hour, sexually explicit Lars von Trier film may not be everyone's cup of tea, it suited me fine and I was glad to experience the full vision.
I'd say part 1 had a better story flow and emotional impact than part 2, though the latter was still pretty good. The most notable sequences were Christian Slater's hospital scene in part one, which was probably the best performance I've seen in his career, and the scene as a whole kept me enthralled start to finish. As for part two,
Spoiler: show
Charlotte Gainsbourg's abortion scene left me effectively discomfited the entire time, more so than the clitorectomy in Antichrist, which I consider a good thing.

Maybe the finale was a bit of a middle finger but I thought it worked. The cast was pretty solid and the impact was made. That said, I would not call it perfect and recommended only for those willing to give it a chance. I cannot speak for the edited version but will say if you can find the director's cut, watch that one instead.
#323967 by Tyroshai
Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:16 am
Saw Chappie at the weekend.
Excellent story and beautifully shot, loses it a bit towards the end. Effects are excellent too, if I hadn't already known of the CGI, I'd have doubted there even was any on Chappie himself. A bit interested by the title itself, sounding so happy-go-lucky...Pleasantly surprised that this wasn't entirely the case.

Neill Blomkamp's done well with it and unlike District 9, it has no socio-political undertow. It's distinctively shot, Not his best but still definitely worth checking out. 7/10.
#323991 by EphelDuath666
Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:53 pm
I definitely want to see Chappie, it looks pretty good! I wasn't too fond of Elysium but I think I'll like Chappie much better. So let's hope Alien 5 will turn out well! They'll completely ignore that Alien 3 and Ressurection ever existed. Could work...or not. Time will tell but I am actually quite optimistic as Blomkamp is a capable director.

And Denis Villeneuve, director of Prisoners and Enemy, will direct the Blade Runner sequel. I just hope he won't fuck it up and I hope the script is as good as Harrison Ford suggested (he said it's the best one he's ever read) because Blade Runner is my undisputed most favorite film of all time.

Recently watched quite a few movies. The best or most interesting ones were

Nightcrawler (Jeeeeeeesus, Jake Gyllenhaal's eyes in that movie....could give you nightmares, really) which was a very, very good movie. Very creepy with an EXCELLENT performance by Gyllenhaal. Maybe his best performance so far actually.

Frank: That was one of the strangest movies I have seen lately but it was also VERY good. Michael Fassbender is in it but you don't see his face most of the time in this movie as he covers it up with a huge fake plastic head. It's funny, it's tragic, sad and fun...maybe not a movie for repeated viewings but I might just watch it again at some point.

Enemy: Another movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and another great performance by him. More a character study than anything else but it's actually really, really well done. And some aspects of it even leave room for interpretation.

About Time: British time travel movie with lots of funny and some romantic moments thrown in. Very good actually. I really enjoyed it and thought it was very entertaining. and Bill Nighy is always good too.

Lawless: Was much better than I expected actually. I love Tom Hardy anyways and think he's a very good actor and he does a very good job in this one and so does Guy Pearce who please one hell of a nasty creep in this movie. And even Shia LaBeouf managed to not get on my balls in this movie and actually did a pretty good job.
#324047 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:15 am
Big Eyes.
Worthy of comparison to Ed Wood and Big Fish, this movie is very well made and a reminder Tim Burton can do more than just desaturated gothic tales. It tells the story of Walter and Margaret Keane faithfully without isolating the audience, being appropriately funny and moving, and at at times quite intense. Amy Adams is completely believable as Margaret and Christoph Waltz steals every scene as Walter (appropriate, considering the character).
Absolutely recommended.
#324049 by Wander
Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:13 am
I saw A Nightmare on Elm Street ( the first one), but I fell asleep before the end.

I think it was probably a pretty good film though. But I didn't die in my sleep, which was a bummer.
#324052 by JuZ
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:09 am
Late to the convo, but Bladerunner is my favourite film too and Ford's comments about the script give me some hope. Nothing will ever touch the near perfection of the director's cut of the original but I'll be happy enough if this new one is at least "good".

Ford has such a shitful time making the original (he and Sean Young despised each other throughout and there were all sorts of other dramas... It's a miracle the film was actually finished and released), and he is nothing if not bluntly honest, so I believe him on the script.

Fingers freakin crossed.
#324055 by vt1100
Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:59 am
Mad Max 2 for the umpteenth time and it's still gold, this movie just never gets old. (oh, little poem there 8) )
#324057 by Faffy
Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:52 am
Finally got around to see Mockingjay Part 1. As a fan of the book series, I was not disappointed at all! They even added a few interesting aspects to the film that weren't in the book.
#324059 by EphelDuath666
Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:09 pm
JuZ wrote:Late to the convo, but Bladerunner is my favourite film too and Ford's comments about the script give me some hope. Nothing will ever touch the near perfection of the director's cut of the original but I'll be happy enough if this new one is at least "good".

Ford has such a shitful time making the original (he and Sean Young despised each other throughout and there were all sorts of other dramas... It's a miracle the film was actually finished and released), and he is nothing if not bluntly honest, so I believe him on the script.

Fingers freakin crossed.

besides they are all older now and probably too old for any BS. So I'm confident this will be good. Ford has not been in too many REALLY good movies lately (42 aside which is a great movie) and Villeneuve is a more than capable director. I'd love for Ford to get at least one last awesome movie role. And if that last great movie role is Rick Deckard then I'll be more than happy!
#324076 by vt1100
Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:09 pm
Interstellar - Didn't hate it nor didn't love it, what I do know is that I don't want to see this one again... ever.

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