Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#324642 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:36 am
Played through The Stick of Truth again and got the Platinum trophy, and I find myself wondering which is funnier: Nazi zombie cats or Nazi zombie aborted fetuses. I honestly can't decide.
#324643 by EphelDuath666
Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:07 am
Nathan_lol wrote:Yeah MGSV really holds back on the story when compared to previous games in the series. The balance between cutscene and gameplay is completely flipped, I'm not used to playing a Metal Gear this much!

very true! However, once you reach mission #30 you'll see the most amazing cutscenes ever. Just absolutely mindblowing stuff. 1080p and 60 frames per second really, really do the trick. And I have to say the story starts to pick up too and I see a lot of stuff that seems to be leading towards the events of MGS1. I really need to replay that one too. Probably on my gamecube. That was one of the best video game remakes ever.

And George....aborted Nazi fetuses win for me personally. And then when you add Kim Kardashian's aborted monster fetus to that....pure gold.
#324644 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:36 pm
Actually it was Khloe Kardashian's abortion. And you may be right about the fetuses.
#324646 by EphelDuath666
Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:54 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Actually it was Khloe Kardashian's abortion. And you may be right about the fetuses.

oh, haha...OK :lol: I remembered it was one of the Kardashians.
#324668 by EphelDuath666
Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:48 am
finished Metal Gear Solid 5 with 100% completion now, whew....that was quite a bit of "work". But glad I went for it because it was LOADS of fun. It's cool that despite the fact that the concept of the series has changed a little bit due to the open world format, you can still accomplish missions in many different AND fun ways. This has certainly been one of the most fun gaming experiences so far for me. Of course I'll ALWAYS prefer MGS1 because it was my first MGS game and I have always loved it. But MGS5 is a great way for Hideo Kojima to say farewell to the series. And I highly doubt that Konami will put much money and/or effort into the series anymore.
#324674 by swervedriver
Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:46 am
Well, there's always the inevitable MGS pachinko machine... :lol:

As for my progress in Dark Souls, it's going well. I'm at the stage where I'm now just getting my ass handed to me from time to time, instead of it being thrown in my face in quick succession. So yeah, going well.
#324676 by EphelDuath666
Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:06 am
swervedriver wrote:Well, there's always the inevitable MGS pachinko machine... :lol:

As for my progress in Dark Souls, it's going well. I'm at the stage where I'm now just getting my ass handed to me from time to time, instead of it being thrown in my face in quick succession. So yeah, going well.

yeah, I wouldn't be suprised to see Konami pull that off.... :evil:

glad you're digging Dark Souls! I need to play the series at some point too but beating Bloodborne was enough stress for a year or so! :lol:
#324681 by Victimlas
Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:58 am
We got Lego Dimensions and I like it so much more than Infinity 2.0. The variety of characters is awesome and it's like an amped up version of the traditional Lego games. I like how interactive it is with the base- you just don't plop the figures on, and the fact that any character can play in any world. We have the Simpsons pack so far and it's so well done. Warning though this thing is a money pit! Every single character they sell unlocks some new area or has this really cool vehicle or skill.
#324688 by EphelDuath666
Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:35 am
Victimlas wrote:We got Lego Dimensions and I like it so much more than Infinity 2.0. The variety of characters is awesome and it's like an amped up version of the traditional Lego games. I like how interactive it is with the base- you just don't plop the figures on, and the fact that any character can play in any world. We have the Simpsons pack so far and it's so well done. Warning though this thing is a money pit! Every single character they sell unlocks some new area or has this really cool vehicle or skill.

hah, what a coincidence. I just looked at that in a store today. Just to see that the game itself with 3 areas costs 100 bucks/euros and then each additional area costs another 30 :shock: The entire thing sounds so awesome and I'm sure it's fun. But ouch, is it ever expensive! I guess if you buy it all it costs ya 250 euros, haha.
#324695 by Victimlas
Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:36 am
I know it's crazy! You could play the entire game with just the starter pack, but if you are a completionist you will be in trouble ha ha
#324772 by EphelDuath666
Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:28 pm
Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout :happy:

Bought it today for my PS4 and only played it for a little while but damn does it look good! I mean, not The Witcher 3 good but still great in its own way. Fallout doesn't have to LOOK über-amazing to BE über-amazing. But it does look really good. Especially the wasteland. Can't wait to play it some more the coming....months?
#324801 by Victimlas
Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:46 am
Finished Far Cry 4 and freaking loved that game. Also, finally picked up the Witcher 3, the graphics are insane!! It's been slow going for me but I am very early in. Also picked up Battlefront of course. So many games and so much stuff to do this time of the year :)
#324815 by EphelDuath666
Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:14 pm
Victimlas wrote:Finished Far Cry 4 and freaking loved that game. Also, finally picked up the Witcher 3, the graphics are insane!! It's been slow going for me but I am very early in. Also picked up Battlefront of course. So many games and so much stuff to do this time of the year :)

enjoy The Witcher 3....suuuuuch a great game! :) And it indeed looks insanely good!

Played Plenty of Fallout 4. I really, really, really like it but have to say it takes a while for things to get going. Building settlements is a lot of fun, the crafting system works really well but it certainly eats up a LOT of time! :lol: So building new settlements is fun but at the same time I can't say the same thing about the missions that are related to the settlements. They're quite tedious, just waste ammo and are quite repetitive too. All other missions aside from the settlement missions were REALLY fun though. The map is pretty big again BUT I have to admit I kind of expected it to be bigger.

And the reason for that may be...yes....The Witcher 3. That game was just so incredibly huge without a single boring side quest so Fallout 4 obviously has to live with the fact that it has to compete with The Witcher 3. And so far I have to say The Witcher 3 easily wins. Don't get me wrong, I love Fallout as much as any other gamer. But Bethesda really didn't do their homework in a lot of ways. The graphics are good...yes...but you just hardly ever feel like playing a next-gen game.

Graphics of course aren't everything so I can look past that. But the game just also very much 'feels' like a last-gen game. The AI of NPC's and enemies is as stupid as ever, NPC's just walk towards walls and just keep walking, enemies are just moving targets that behave as stupid as ever. There's glitches and bugs too of course. I mean a lot of people may say 'well, it's a Bethesda game so what did you expect?' But I mean, come on. People pay a lot of money for this stuff. I also gotta say, however, that the game itself only crashed on me once so far and it fortunately did not freeze on me and only redirected me to the dashboard. So that is certainly an improvement. Fallout 3 would have already crashed about 6 million times on me at this point, hehe.

The presentation overall was improved over Fallout 3's presentation, meaning that camera angles change now during conversations and everything definitely looks a little more modern. Voice acting is also better, although not nearly as good as The Witcher 3's voice acting. But I don't kind of feels like a typical "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" case and sometimes that just ain't enough. I think Fallout 4 just offers too much of the same old same old and feels more like a graphically updated bastard child of F3 and New Vegas with a bit of Skyrim DNA mixed in.

Now all that may sound super negative but despite all my criticism I really do enjoy the game greatly. I guess I'm just trying to say that I'm not enjoying it as much as I would have liked to. Kinda thought it would blow me away and it really didn't. Well, so far at least...
#324816 by swervedriver
Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am
I'm still on Dark Souls, about halfway through my second playthrough (planning at least 3 because of achievements, ha). I have absolutely fallen in love with it, because the setting and the lore are so deep, yet if you don't pay attention to the world or certain item descriptions you won't even notice it's there. This game is so much deeper than it lets on, and you basically discover it along with your character. When you start both of you don't know anything and you're just plonked into some areas to fight some dudes, but when you do get some hints about origin/background stories.. I was blown away by some of them.

And of course, the bleakness and hopelessness of it all is just so appealing to me. :lol:

I still think the Mass Effect trilogy has some of the best game characters I ever encountered, but in terms of world-building and lore I'd currently rate Dark Souls over ME, Elder Scrolls and Fallout. No wonder I don't read books these days. :D

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