Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#325198 by JuZ
Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:03 am
Read a very patronising opinion piece on the referendum today. Essentially dismissed the concerns of young Brits as 20 year old SJWs having a moan, and the concerns of everyone else being driven by a biased media.

What's the point of being upset that your vote is criticised for being foolish if you're just going to turn around and do the same thing to the 48% of voters who disagreed with you?

Partisan thinking is so damned tedious and takes us all a million steps backwards, regardless of which "side" you're on.

The world seems obsessed with finding points of difference rather than celebrating common bonds. Not the future I'm hoping to see.
#325201 by fragility
Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:04 am
Even more than the result, I am so upset by the events that have taken place since. I feel like my faith in this country has been dented.

And to top it off, you've got old people, like my father acting like we have no right to be worried about how we are going to feed and clothe and home our families. Must be nice to be able to sit and criticise without having any of those concerns.
#325207 by Bookwyrm83
Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:03 am
Well, it appears down here we have three more years of assholes!
Nobody learns. I dread November.
#325275 by Lettuce
Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:03 pm
Kinda disappointed at the turn out of Ché's London gig last night. Only a couple of people racked up for her, compared to 900 who flocked to see her with Devin at the Union Chapel.
#325277 by fragility
Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:56 am
Lettuce wrote:Kinda disappointed at the turn out of Ché's London gig last night. Only a couple of people racked up for her, compared to 900 who flocked to see her with Devin at the Union Chapel.

That sucks! Can't believe anyone who was there that night would have wanted to miss out. I'd have been there in a heartbeat if it wasn't for subsequent kiddo!
#325299 by KeasbyNights
Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:54 pm
fragility wrote:
Lettuce wrote:Kinda disappointed at the turn out of Ché's London gig last night. Only a couple of people racked up for her, compared to 900 who flocked to see her with Devin at the Union Chapel.

That sucks! Can't believe anyone who was there that night would have wanted to miss out. I'd have been there in a heartbeat if it wasn't for subsequent kiddo!

That makes me super sad to hear. :( She's an amazing artist in her own right, separate from Dev.
#325311 by fragility
Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:47 pm
So, yesterday was my birthday. It started with the realisation that for the first time in my life, it would not start with my grandma calling me at some ungodly hour to sing with me.

I'm under A LOT of stress at work and REALLY unhappy at the moment, so I would have taken the day off, had it not been for an important client meeting. My dad calls while I'm waiting for the train and says "well, maybe one day you'll be able to stop working like you're sister". No dad, that is NEVER going to be a reality for me. Thanks for rubbing it in.

Put the phone down and get a call from nursery to say my daughter's not well. So on the basis that today is more convenient for my hubby than me if she needs collecting, I have to rack up the brownie points for next time, I have to fight every instinct in my body and get on a train that will take me 3hrs away from my poorly baby.

Work stress. On the upside, I got out of there quickly, ran with all my might and make it home early. But my little one was really not well. Just heartbreaking, bless her. Went to climb into bed and she starts crying. Decide she's coming in our bed so we can at least lie down and doze off between her feverish crying all night long.

Roll on next year!
#325312 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:12 am
Sounds like a bad day any time of the year; sorry to hear it happened on this particular occasion. Hope it clears up soon for you all.
#325315 by fragility
Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:42 am
Sorry guys, just being a grump! On the upside, poorly little girls are far more eager to give long, snuggle cuddles than their healthy counterparts :D
#325486 by fragility
Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:20 pm
It's 03:17, I have now been awake 2 hrs (as long as I was asleep) can't stop thinking about work stress and being utterly trapped in this situation.

Browsing t'internet under the covers so I don't wake up hubby and the little one sleeping next to me.

Oh yeah, I have got an awesome kiddo sleeping next to me. It's not all bad :)
#325580 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:52 am
My ex died the other day. I only just found out this evening.

I hadn't spoken to her in almost two years but I have always regretted leaving her. More so for the fact that I left one of my very best friends behind.
I wanted to remain friends but it didn't turn out that way. I tried calling her (after giving her plenty of space) a few times to make amends but she never answered, so I gave up, figuring she'd moved on and I should do the same.
I've never forgiven myself for dumping her the way I did, and I only did because I was going through severe depression at the time and unfairly took it out on her, wishing to be alone. I got my wish and it's no excuse.

I doubt I'll be very welcome at the wake but I intend to pay my respects and apologies, for what they are worth.
#325582 by Victimlas
Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:06 am
oh wow, I am so sorry :( That's a very painful situation to be in.
Sending hugs and peace your way.
#325583 by EphelDuath666
Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:23 pm
Victimlas wrote:oh wow, I am so sorry :( That's a very painful situation to be in.
Sending hugs and peace your way.


That does suck, bro. Keep your chin up! Or at least try to!
#325584 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:48 pm
Thanks guys.
Her family and friends (many of whom I haven't seen in a long while) were grateful I was there. Although it's probably futile now to wish I could have seen her one last time, I have a feeling it would have been amicable. She'll stay with me always.

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