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#66092 by GDiddy
Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:30 pm
I could be totally wacked, but this is what I'm guessing. He sequences everything, including drums, then has the drummer record with the sequence. The production is too slick for it to be done the old fashioned way of click-drums-bass-guitar, etc. Not to mention, I've worked on several albums, and this is the way that most artists work who use electronic instruments.

#66095 by Torniojaws
Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:46 pm
Click & Sequence are pretty much the same thing when your drummer is as sharp as Gene is.

#66104 by HevyMinik
Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:58 pm
Man, can you explain?
I've never worked on so professional productions, only demo-productions and so...
So, can you explain what you meant? And what about the sequencing you were talkin' about? Is that a sequencer (never really understood what they were for, especially live... Just put them in when bands have it...) you were talking about?
Explain, explain!
Thanks in advance!


#66194 by GDiddy
Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:38 pm
Torniojaws wrote:Click & Sequence are pretty much the same thing when your drummer is as sharp as Gene is.

It has nothing to do with being able to play with a click, it's the way the music is orchestrated.

#66196 by GDiddy
Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:47 pm
HevyMinik wrote:Man, can you explain?
I've never worked on so professional productions, only demo-productions and so...
So, can you explain what you meant? And what about the sequencing you were talkin' about? Is that a sequencer (never really understood what they were for, especially live... Just put them in when bands have it...) you were talking about?
Explain, explain!
Thanks in advance!


Well, sequencing is the sequential layout of musical parts with an electronic device (called a sequencer). It's like laying out a musical score, but with the actual sound. "Devlab" is one really long sequence.

Bands will use a sequencer live when they don't want to pay a keyboard player to stand on stage and pretend he's playing. For example, If you were playing a song like "namaste", you would probably sequence the synth instead of paying a guy to hold down a couple of notes on a keyboard.

If a band writes their music with a sequencer, they are most likely going to lay down the sequenced tracks first and then lay the live instruments on top of them. Why? Because sequenced parts will be perfect every time you hit the playback button. It's best to play the live parts while listening to the sequence. Even when not using electronic instruments, it is a great idea to lay down a sequenced drum track and play your scratch instrument (guitar, bass, etc.) parts over that. That makes for a better click track than the actual click track.

#66423 by Greg Reason
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:40 pm
Yes, everything Dev does is always sequenced. As mentioned above, there is no way to record to a sequenced track if you haven't placed the grid first, so everything would be roughly programmed and then the performances would be recorded to that. No matter how tight a drummer is, they will always waver without a click, and you should always have everything synced to the grid so that when you overdub you know everything will be in the correct time and place. Opeth do the same... it's the only way to work, really. If you record without clicks, shit gets messy, so unless you've got an exceptional band that does the bed tracks live then you're going to want to do some pre production and get everything layed out proper.

#66503 by Torniojaws
Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:46 am
Led Zeppelin had no problems recording their funky thing back in the 70's ;) When a band records without a click, they first record the whole band playing the song completely through, then, if necessary, punch-in some fixes and additional instruments.

#66505 by mo
Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:59 am
Dev, when recording ALL his albums, only used Fruity Loops (version 2) and windows sound recorder... that's all you need!

I don't know how he got around the complexities of Sound Recorder, so many fancy options in the Tools menu like amplify, god only knows that mumbo jumbo means...

can u tell im bored?

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