Follow the way Follow the way Holding mother

#69380 by Woocifer
Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:41 am
This albums is essentially Dev going holy fuck enough with the super heavy shit, I need to sit back and figure out what else I've been fuckin with.

And what did he fuck with? One single question over and over again...and he did it in different fashions I suppose...some sounded too familiar, some very different...all in all...this album is a filler album to bridge a gap where he lost his craft.

#90085 by hairbearbunch
Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:01 am
Namaste - from my understanding (gathered from Laurence Cherniaks book 'the great book of hashish') is a greeting used by the Nepalese. By placing your fingertips to your central brow and then opening them outwards and saying 'namaste' you offer a complimentary greeting.

#96620 by danceswithchickens
Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:22 pm
To me, Namaste sounds like pure energy. I visualize the song as blinding light. Didn't blow me away at first (I was expecting something mor technical), but it has become one of my favorites...

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