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#225385 by anthonyslayer7
Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:02 pm
i listened to the songs on the myspace. holy fucking balls of fire. Devin, seriously. this album makes me feel closer to God. it has made my shitty and mediocre week into one of the best in my life. seriously. you outdid yourself on this album. can't wait till i get paid so i can buy it officially, because FYE is charging up the A$$$ for cd's and they or Gay Topic will never receive a dollar out of my short and stubby bank account. been a huge Dev fan for years now, and this one is tied with Accelerated Evolution with me. And i thought that THAT album couldn't be beaten, but now i'm starting to reconsider that. 15 golden stars out of 10 stars.

#225450 by Thrashartist
Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:45 pm
I've been listening to some tracks on youtube because I can't buy the album yet.
I LOVE what I've listened to so far.
Hyperdrive sounds AMAZING with Anneke's vocals.
#225619 by anthonyslayer7
Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:11 pm
numbered is probably my personal favorite song on addicted. that or supercrush because of the 'nibz vocal' videos on youtube. knew this record would be probably his greatest from that vid.
#225827 by default
Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:31 pm
Hi, I'm an admitted lurker. I typically don't have much to say on internet forums, so I don't post much.

I just wanted to say, I finally got my Addicted preorder in the mail today...I waited for it (didn't download the leaked copy). The only thing I can say after listening to it all the way through is that I feel like this album is an echo of my being. Thank you, Dev.

(For the record, that's not drug induced...I'm 10 years sober.)
#225857 by triggerhoppe31
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:58 pm
Mr. Townsend, I'm a long time listener and a first time poster on this forum. What ever it is that you did to make addicted, it was the right thing. Personally, I feel it was my favorite album of the year. And not by a notch, by a LEAP. You are officially my favorite artist/band/whatever. Two years in a row now :D
#226032 by Roddy
Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:28 pm
FINALLY got my copy. Have had 2 or 3 listens. First impressions = ENORMOUS! The guitars sound huge and the vocals are amazing. I love the songs themselves already and I know they will grow on me even more. I'm finding it closest to AE in the Devin back catalogue, and of course I LOVE that album! WAY looking forward to seeing these songs performed live. GET DOWN HERE!
#226102 by NFF
Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:27 am
finally got my copy one day away from being a week late... oh well its definately worth it. got it home and imediately riped to flac and listening now. i managed to get the 637th copy sweet. close to 666. so yea when i finish listening to it a couple times on different systems ill tell my full impresion.

also i was wondering it says on the REPLACE booklet that dev uses samson mics ... i thought he used shure sm7 and akg 401/8 ? but anyways off i go to listen and read through the booklet.
#226196 by GuyOne
Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:41 am
Any chart information available yet? I don't see anything on the Finnish charts that includes Devin. I'll keep my eye out might still be too early.

Went to the local independent shop here and they sold out all their copies in two days and his supplier's warehouse was empty of Addicted. The owner said he got an e-mail from the warehouse regarding the album and it read that the what was thought to be more than enough stock was entirely sold out in two days. They expect to get more in at the beginning of December.

DAMN! I have to wait longer before I have a physical copy.
#226213 by mnath16
Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:33 am
Its good to finally own a hard copy of this, found my copy in a local cd store, i was surprised they had it actually...!
I love the artwork as much as the music.

The dtp logo on the side doesn't match up with Ki tho.. thats ok, i can just pile them all over the place so they do, intended? wouldn't surprise me :)

Bring on decon, bring on the tour!
#226313 by ferocitas
Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:23 pm
GuyOne wrote:Any chart information available yet? I don't see anything on the Finnish charts that includes Devin. I'll keep my eye out might still be too early.

No, but I gotta mention how amusing it is to see NILE between Antti Tuisku and Ressu Redford. Good for Nile though to hit the charts.

GuyOne wrote:Went to the local independent shop here and they sold out all their copies in two days and his supplier's warehouse was empty of Addicted. The owner said he got an e-mail from the warehouse regarding the album and it read that the what was thought to be more than enough stock was entirely sold out in two days. They expect to get more in at the beginning of December.

Happy to hear it sold so well although I wonder how big their stock actually was.

GuyOne wrote:DAMN! I have to wait longer before I have a physical copy.

Hang tight!
#226331 by racheljones101
Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:16 am
I went to my local HMV yesterday to get a copy and they only had two. So i decided to get one for my brother for christmas and im gonna get the other today if i have the money :). The guy in the shop gave me a weird look because im only 16 so he was probably wondering how i was into it :P .It was hard knowing that the album was on my table yet not being able to listen to it. This music has got me through so much and i know that this album will be more amazing than my brain can possibly imagine XD x

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