Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#322506 by KeasbyNights
Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:13 am
Welcome to the forums! You're going to enjoy it here. :D
#322630 by Hotwheelz
Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:46 pm
Hello all.

My name is John, and it is good to be here.
I started listening to SYL back when the bear ate the kids, all those years ago, and having kids of my own has left me very busy.
It was only by chance that i found this forum, so thank you for having me.
I have seen some great boards, competitions and people, and i am looking forward to interacting as much as i can.

Until next time, this has been me.
#322643 by KeasbyNights
Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:10 pm
Welcome to the forums John! We're really happy to have you here. :D You'll enjoy it here, trust me. We've got a lot of really great people from all over, and it's a pretty active forum. You've got me beat on Dev listening for sure too! I was only 5 years old when HAARHT came out, so there's my age for ya. :lol:

Either way, welcome, and we hope to see you around!
#323197 by miyavi
Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:05 pm
I'm not a super noob to Dev... But, must say the album I allus return to is his Ocean Machine project "Biomech".. I avoided it for a long time, because it was an ex that introduced me to the awesomeness that is Dev... And it hurt my heart to listen to it... However, he was an ex, I let go out of love... Circumstances made it pretty impossible for us to be together, so... I let him go out of love.. because to hold onto someone is super selfish. But, I hope he knows, even to this day, I love him, as he was my first true love and I only wish him the greatest of happiness. I also thank him with all my heart for introducing me to the awesomeness that is Hevy Devy. Andrew Hawnt, you amazing man, rock on in all you do, and thank you for everything. I've seen your son too, and cor blimey, he's gorgeous! And thank you for some of the most amazing years of my life. :)

May you forever succeed, not only because you deserve it, but because you're an amazing talent that the world should see. (^_^)

Also, congratulations on your marriage! ^_^ :guitar:
#323199 by Ser Lefty
Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:19 pm
Hello everyone. I've been listening to Dev for a few years and the man has become one if not my favorite artist of all time. It all began with barbecue.. and cheeseburgers... and Deconstruction.. Pretty self explanatory. So I got to all this forum stuff a little while back and noticed that it's a whole lot of fun so why not join here too, right? I think that's about it and I'll keep posting.
#323207 by swervedriver
Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:47 am
Hi folks! Welcome!
#323225 by KeasbyNights
Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:52 am
Welcome welcome! Excited to have new people and we hope to see you around often! :)
#323445 by sleuth
Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:59 pm
Just joined the forums today, but I've been a fan of Devin for seven or eight years. Accelerated Evolution was the first album I've listened to (and still my fav) and it was love at first listen. Dev's been my fav musician ever since.
#323508 by KeasbyNights
Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:02 pm
Welcome to the forums sleuth! It's good to have you. I've been a fan about as long as you. Ocean Machine was my first love. You'll enjoy it here. :)
#323735 by Triptyjohn
Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:06 pm
Hey guys! Name's Jens.
I've been lurking around the forums for a bit and thought I'd introduce myself. Obviously I'm a Devhead like the rest of you. I've been a dedicated listener since sometime around 2007-2008, my introduction being the Ocean Machine and Infinity albums. I had the pleasure of seeing the DTP on their European tour with Fear Factory back in 2012 and it was probably one of the best concert experiences I have had.

Looking forward to chit-chatting with you all. :)
#323742 by JuZ
Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:17 pm
Triptyjohn wrote:Hey guys! Name's Jens.
I've been lurking around the forums for a bit and thought I'd introduce myself. Obviously I'm a Devhead like the rest of you. I've been a dedicated listener since sometime around 2007-2008, my introduction being the Ocean Machine and Infinity albums. I had the pleasure of seeing the DTP on their European tour with Fear Factory back in 2012 and it was probably one of the best concert experiences I have had.

Looking forward to chit-chatting with you all. :)

Hello there Jens and welcome aboard!
#323753 by Tyroshai
Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:33 am
Triptyjohn wrote:Hey guys! Name's Jens.
I've been lurking around the forums for a bit and thought I'd introduce myself. Obviously I'm a Devhead like the rest of you. I've been a dedicated listener since sometime around 2007-2008, my introduction being the Ocean Machine and Infinity albums. I had the pleasure of seeing the DTP on their European tour with Fear Factory back in 2012 and it was probably one of the best concert experiences I have had.

Looking forward to chit-chatting with you all. :)

Hiya Jens! Welcome :D
#323795 by MagVesHa
Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:10 am
Greetings, Magnus here.

The first time i heard about Devin Townsend was about a year and a half ago.
I saw a video of James Monteith talking about his "most influental album" which was addicted.

So i downloaded it and read about Devin on wikipedia.
When i first heard it, i was a bit suprised.
I was listening to bands like SOAD and The Gabriel Construct and it was ages since i had heard something like Addicted.

I though it was incredibly cheesy and commercial and i was afraid i my brother would make fun of me for listening to that kind of music. So i deleted it, and forgot about Devin for a few months.

Then my brother started listening to it, and said that you had to like "understand" it.
So i gave Devin another chance.

And now i have listened to almost all of his albums and city and alien of S.Y.L.
I started with addicted and CoC (which i love greatly). And then worked trough his discography.
Didn't like Epicloud at first but after i had listened to his other work i starded understanding it better. And now i love it.

But one of the reasons i continue listening to him, is because devin is honest when it comes to his work.
In my opinion atleast.
Probably going to buy his discography soon, would be cool to have gapless albums.

Well theres my story, thanks for reading!
See ya'

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